Face Mask

Face Mask

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The New Pieces From Toronto Brand Soft Focus Are a WFH Dream

When Sammi Smith, founder of the Toronto-based loungewear label Soft Focus, began designing looks for the brand’s Fall 2020 offering, she didn’t know what kind of world we’d be living in today. But Smith–who was dealing with the burnout experienced by many entrepreneurs–was nevertheless in the right mind frame for conceiving of pieces that would hit the spot in our closets right now.

“Running a small business is a marathon and a sprint,” she says. “The year was winding down, and I had a cold. I literally designed this collection in bed.” The designs were “coming from an emotional place,” Smith says, and she was aiming to craft items that “what [would] make me feel whole.” That meaning, she wanted a wardrobe that suited her WFH lifestyle–one that includes days spent totally indoors, or that factor in a bit of socializing and “endless errand running.”

canadian design
Photography by Vai Yu Law.

What she ended up with was an assortment of cozy attire that’s anything but your standard sweats; key pieces are separates that comprise the Terry Set–a boxy top and tapered jogging pants that come in an elegant cream colour, classic black and a few pops of brights. “I’d worked in primarily neutrals for the first couple of seasons of the brand,” Smith says of the three-year-old line. “I was growing tired of that ‘perfect’ Instagram minimalism that pervaded everything. I wanted a jolt of life. I was craving colour and a playful maximalist aesthetic, but rooted in the simplicity of my pieces.” She says that capturing the nostalgia of the colour palettes used by retro athleisure brands like Esprit and United Colours of Benetton drew her to use shades of yellow, red and purple.

An ‘80s mood is also highlighted elsewhere in the collection, like the robe-style jacket modelled after a blazer. Smith says the inspiration for it was “Melanie Griffith in the movie Working Girl, when she’s on her way to work and is wearing her sneakers but has her heels in her bag.” And there’s a belted jumpsuit that just screams ‘I’m comfortable but in control’–is there a better way to feel while navigating everything life is throwing at us these days?

canadian design
Photography by Vai Yu Law.

There’s another important headspace Smith was channeling while working on the looks. “Joy was a big word for me when I was designing this collection,” she says, adding that she wanted the pieces to “become an instant mood lift when you put [them] on. Life is very hard and serious being an adult–I love bringing a sense of playfulness and a childlike quality into a sophisticated sensibility.”

Smith has also translated this uplifting appeal into Soft Focus’s holiday pieces (available in early November), which riff off the vibe of style icons like Bianca Jagger living it up on the dance floor of Studio 54. “[I was] playing around with the idea of fancy pyjamas that you can wear all day, anywhere,” she says. From a sultry jumpsuit to an easy-but-elegant slip, the pieces turn “every day into an occasion,” Smith notes.

canadian design
Photography by Vai Yu Law.

In this way, Smith flips the notion of what a WFH wardrobe can be; while we’re all seeking out a sense of solace through our way of dressing, it doesn’t mean we can’t derive a bit of pleasure and power from it as well. “You need intentional pieces of clothing,” she says about submitting to a more relaxed silhouette that still has a structure and sense of refinement. “There’s an aspect of self-care to it.”

The post The New Pieces From Toronto Brand Soft Focus Are a WFH Dream appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

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The Wonder of Lifelong Learning

Our children have gone back to school and older students have gone back to university, so maybe now is a perfect time for you to also think about what you would like to learn.

Learning is an amazing ability that humans have. It doesn’t start when you begin school, or indeed end when you leave full-time education, it is a life-long journey. And it is often the case that the more we know the more we realise we don’t know! There is no limit to the skills or knowledge you can gain by learning.

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” Zig Zigler

Learning is not just about the facts and figures that you learn in school, it’s also about improving your mind, enhancing your current skills, learning new ones and broadening your horizons to change the way you view yourself and the world around you.

In life, there is always something new to learn or discover. If you are attentive and curious to what is going on in your internal and external environment, you are likely to be learning all the time. 

Learning, keeps your mind active, sharpens your focus and makes you more ‘intelligent’, all of which are good for your brain health. Until a decade or so ago, many scientists thought that while children’s brains are malleable or plastic, neuroplasticity (our brain’s ability to change and grow) stops after age 25, when the brain is fully wired and mature. Fortunately we now know that the human brain is capable of change throughout life and that although we do lose neurons as we age, the adult brain can create new neuronal connections and even new neurons born from neuronal stem cells.

It is a case of use it or lose it!

As Carl Honore wrote in ‘Bolder’: “The chief obstacle to learning in later life is not the ageing brain: it is the ageist stereotypes that erode confidence and put us off trying new things in the first place”.

In fact, the older we get, the quicker we are at picking up new tricks in fields that are familiar to us. A survey by Buck Consultants reported that older workers learnt new tasks more quickly than the younger ones.

Researchers have identified the following three habits as facilitating neuroplasticity as we age:

  1. Physical exercise (which increases blood flow to the brain, delivering much-needed oxygen)
  2. Paying attention, and…
  3. Learning new things

When we pay attention to what we are doing and how we are reacting to things it is possible to learn new and ever more helpful ways of responding to events. This supports our ability to self-regulate so we don’t get overwhelmed, and is especially important during this stressful ‘lockdown, no lockdown period’. One good thing of ‘lockdown’ was that for many of us our lives slowed down so we did have a chance to smell the roses, or taste the coffee. Waking up to our experience allows us to be present. It also allows the brain to be more active and flexible. 

One of the best ways to pay attention is to engage in mindfulness practices, whether through a formal practice of meditation or in more informal ways. So it turns out that learning to be fully present enables us to not only to deal with anxiety and stress better, though also keeps our brain healthy and flexible – a true win win!!

“Education is what people do to you and learning is what you do for yourself” Joi Ito 

Learning to play a new instrument, speak a new language or to dance are also fabulous ‘brain’ workouts. Crosswords, sudokus, puzzles and other mental activities are also great mind workouts, and as long as they continue to be challenging they help stimulate new nerve cell generation and connections. 

Reading is also a great mental exercise, as well as being an enjoyable pastime and a way to learn about new things. Many successful people spend a lot of time reading to improve their knowledge, as they understand that only by continuous learning and evolution can they stay successful. 

It is said that you will keep on making the same mistakes in life until you learn the lesson you need to, whether this is in your personal or professional life. So if you find yourself stuck in a Groundhog Day or holding pattern where the same things keep happening, maybe you could stop, take stock and try and work out what needs to change, learn and move on. 

And although learning can sometimes be tough, if you can push through the hurdles, you may find it makes you happier in the long run.

If you would like help around any aspect of your emotional and or physical wellbeing, please contact me on 07545 227272, email helen@livewellandprosper.uk or visit www.livewellandprosper.uk

Helen Prosper

The post The Wonder of Lifelong Learning appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

from Wellbeing Magazine https://ift.tt/36xv1p9
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Sitting with uncertainty

Sitting with uncertainty: How your attachment style affects the way you cope with turbulent times 

Human beings don’t like uncertainty. We create narratives and call them reality (even if they’re not) because we like a sense of certitude. When we create our narratives and restore certainty in our minds, it creates a chemical change in our bodies and we feel soothed.

Certainty is an illusion – nothing in life is certain – but the stories we tell ourselves serve as a useful tool. They help us feel okay, so we can continue living in our bubble of illusion.

The Covid pandemic burst this bubble for many of us. It made us face the reality of uncertainty in our lives. It has been an unsettling time and the easing and tightening of guidelines has made the situation worse for many.

People’s external environment keeps changing and many don’t have access to their usual coping strategies and support networks.

Times of upheaval are particularly tough for people whose needs were not met as children. These people may have Avoidant, Anxious or Disorganised styles of attachment, and therefore lack a core sense of self.

Those who grew up with attentive parents are more likely to have formed secure attachments with their caregivers and therefore with other people throughout their lives.

Secure attachment means a secure core sense of self. People with a greater sense of self find it easier to deal with turbulent times – because their sense of security is internal, not external.

What is Attachment Theory?

Attachment is the way in which you relate to other people. Psychologists have determined that your style of attachment is formed in the first two years of your life and goes on to affect all future relationships.

If a young child forms an attachment with an adult who is attuned to them, they are more likely to form a secure attachment.

Dr. Dan Siegel says the child must feel safe, seen and soothed in order to form a secure attachment.

According to John Bowlby, attachment is a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings”. The four types of attachment identified by Bowlby are:

  1. Secure – autonomous
  2. Avoidant – dismissing
  3. Anxious – preoccupied
  4. Disorganised – unresolved

Adults with the differing attachments styles deal with closeness and emotional intimacy in different ways.

People with secure attachment styles are able to fully let people in. They are comfortable with intimacy and it is easy for them to get close to others.

Those with avoidant attachment find intimacy uncomfortable and may avoid being close with others, while those with anxious attachment crave intimacy but are insecure in relationships.

Disorganised attachment is the most extreme of the insecure attachment styles. It is often a result of abuse and/or trauma in the early years.

People with this attachment style often report feeling lonely because they crave close relationships, but they suffer high anxiety around intimacy and often push people away. They tend to have a very negative self image and drive away potential connection as a way of protecting themselves.

Secure attachment helps build a core sense of self and so people with this style of attachment cope better with upheaval and change.

How can we learn to sit with uncertainty?

It’s best to focus on things you can control, rather than things you can’t. Maintain a daily routine and make sure you eat a healthy diet and drink lots of water.

Regular exercise is helpful, especially if it is outside in nature. Mindful practises like yoga and meditation can help you learn to sit with your feelings.

Remember it’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling and expressing your emotions can also be extremely beneficial.

Reach out to other people, whether through text, phone call, letter etc. Peer support networks like Mind’s online community can also provide safe spaces to talk through your feelings.

words: Laura Nikita Mitchell

The Link Centre

Interested in learning more about attachment styles and other TA Theory? The Link Centre offers everything from a two-day Introduction to Transactional Analysis (TA101) to an accredited Diploma in Counselling.

We are also running a series of by-donation online workshops on different topics bi-weekly until Christmas 2020. For more information please visit thelinkcentre.co.uk or email info@thelinkcentre.co.uk

The post Sitting with uncertainty appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

from Wellbeing Magazine https://ift.tt/33d18Iu
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Quick Warm-Up Routines That Will Change How You Exercise

Here’s something you won’t hear many trainers admit: A long workout warm-up — you know, the type that asks you to foam roll, stretch, or otherwise activate every muscle imaginable — can backfire.

Before you think we’re railing against common advice for the sake of being counterintuitive, we’re not saying warmup exercises are bad. We’re just saying the way they are implemented is flawed and, in many cases, not supported by research.

In fact, all the way back in 2012 in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapymore than 100 studies were reviewed and the takeaway was:

Stretching has not been shown to be effective at reducing the incidence of overall injuries. While there is some evidence of stretching reducing musculotendinous injuries, more evidence is needed to determine if stretching programs alone can reduce muscular injuries.

If you want the benefits of warming up without dreading the typical process, we’ve tested dozens of different protocols on thousands of online fitness coaching clients and have found that there is a better way. 

The Benefits of a Warmup

The value of preparing your muscles to move can’t be understated. Your body needs to be ready for the stress of lifting weights, running, or performing a sport. If your muscles are warm and prepared, then they can generate more force and move more weight.

woman stretching

More importantly, preparing a muscle to move, produce force, change direction, or push the limits just doesn’t happen on its own. When you try to force it. That’s when injuries happen. 

A cold muscle is like a cold rubber band. To understand, think about the elasticity of a rubber band. You can stretch it, and the more you pull back, the more energy you can generate.

Now, imagine freezing the rubber band overnight. It changes everything. What was once easy-to-move is now stiff; what once took an incredible amount of force to break can now easily snap.

So, warming up your muscles is a good idea. But, how you do it doesn’t need to follow the usual routine.

How To Design A Better Workout Warmup

Most warmup routines are long and onerous (not to mention uncomfortable), which makes it something you dread. And because it’s right there at the beginning of your workout, it can feel like a reason to not show up at all, or you skip the warmup…and find yourself injured. We’ve all been there.

So, what if you changed everything about your warmup routine.

Yeah, you heard us right. We’re not saying you have to stop warming up. As we’ve pointed out, warm-ups are great. But, they aren’t so helpful if they sabotage your workout motivation.

So, we recommend a different option. Instead of a long warmup, we focus on just 1-2 exercises to get started. Here is our favorite 1-exercise warm-up.

And then, thanks to the advice of our longtime friend and contributing fitness expert Tony Gentilcore, we add workout fillers.

Fillers are a way to address trouble spots and tight areas during your workout, simply by doing them between sets. So, instead of worrying about all of the exercises you need to do before starting your workout, you implement strategic exercises into your workout to help you move better, prevent injury, and train harder.

Basically, you make use of your one- to three-minute-long rest periods by doing some easy muscle activation drills or mobility work. (Note the word “easy.” These are not meant to be supersets.)

“We always provide warm-ups for clients, but we also know not everybody does them,” says Born Fitness Head Coach B.J. Ward.

“That’s where fillers come in. We can plug in some movements that are going to help them move better and get stronger pain-free while they rest between sets. It doesn’t “feel” like you’re doing much but we end up sneaking in a lot of extra work in.”

If you’re new to workout fillers, Gentilcore goes a little deeper into the basics in this post, which also covers fillers for deadlifting. In a second post, he explains other techniques to help you squat better.

If you’re already familiar with fillers, then you’ll still want to tune in. Why? Because his deadlift tips are on-point. If you’ve struggled with squats or deadlifts, or just felt “off” whenever you’ve tried them, the mobility drills he shows could help you get moving and grooving better. (And if there’s one thing to know about our man Tony, it’s that the dude can deadlift like a boss.)

The Best Warmup Exercises

If you’re already sold on fillers or just want a great movement to prepare you for your favorite (or hardest) exercises, Coach Ward has your back. Here are some additional moves he recommends as fillers within workouts, or as a primary warmup movement before your workout. (Click a move to see a video demonstration.)

Warmup Exercises For Squats 

  1. 90/90 Hip Switch
  2. Combat Stretch Ankle Mobility

Warmup Exerciser for Deadlifts:

  1. Dead Bug Breathing

Warmup Exercise for Bench Press:

  1. Adductor Quadruped Rockback

Surprised? Here’s Ward on why a lower body mobility move can help you when you bench: “Most of us sit all day. The more mobility work we can throw in to unglue our hips, the better. And secondly, opening up the front of your hips can help you get into a better position on the bench press. We ask lifters to get their feet under their knees and squeeze the glutes during the bench press setup. If you’ve opened up the front of your hips it’s easier to lock into this position.

How to Perform Warmup Movements

For each warmup movement, perform 3-5 reps per side. Do only as many sets as necessary so that you feel a little more fluid, your muscles feel warm, and your range of motion has improved. In many cases, just 1-2 sets will suffice.

While we have these fillers paired with the “big 3 lifts,” you don’t have to bench, squat, or deadlift in order to use them. Try them between sets of any similar upper or lower body exercise.

And remember, for a super-efficient warm-up, here’s our favorite movement that will get your body prepared in less than 5 minutes.

Interested In A Custom Coaching Plan?

At Born Fitness, we know every individual is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all plan. Our team can develop a plan around your lifestyle to help you reach your goals.

If you like the idea of fillers that we talked about above but aren’t sure where to start, more personalization and hands-on support though our online coaching program may be right for you. Every client is assigned two coaches — one for nutrition and one for fitness. Find out more here. 


The Surprising Science Benefits of The 5-Minute Walk

The Art Of The Deload

The Best Stretch For Your Body (In Less Than 5 Minutes)

The post Quick Warm-Up Routines That Will Change How You Exercise appeared first on Born Fitness.

from Born Fitness https://ift.tt/36m4sDc
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Nordstrom Canada Announces it Will Stop Selling Fur and Exotic Skins

Nordstrom Canada has joined the growing list of department stores, designers and e-tailers worldwide to go fur-free. Plus, the Seattle-born company is also going one step further by banning exotic skins, too (making it the first retailer in the US to do so). The materials will be phased out of all brick-and-mortar and online stores by the end of 2021.

The company says the move was prompted by growing customer feedback and following conversations with the Humane Society of the United States. “As part of our ongoing product evolution, we’ve been working with the Humane Society of the United States and recently made the decision to stop offering products made with genuine fur or exotic animal skin in any of our stores or online. Our private label brands haven’t used these materials for years, so extending this policy to all the brands we carry is a natural next step for our business,” Teri Bariquit, the company’s chief merchandising officer, said in a statement.

The company outlined further details of the policy online, noting that the banned furs include mink, fox, lynx, chinchilla, rabbit, coyote, astrakhan/karakul lamb, kangaroo and raccoon dog, among others – in line with the Fur Free Alliance’s guidelines around animals that are killed solely for their fur. The exotic skins policy includes (but is not limited to) lizard, snake, python, alligatorm crocodile, ostrich, kangaroo, and stingray. Nordstrom also outlined that it will continue to sell leather goods made from the byproducts of the meat, agriculture and livestock industries, feathers and down products that are not sourced via live plucking and shearling and calf hair products.

In a release, Kitty Block, the president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, added, “This is a pivotal step toward a more humane business model and a safer world for animals, sending a clear message that animals should not suffer for the sake of fashion. Nordstrom’s decision will surely have a ripple effect on other influential fashion leaders.”

The post Nordstrom Canada Announces it Will Stop Selling Fur and Exotic Skins appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

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Chicken Divan

A spoon taking a scoop of chicken divan out of a white casserole dish.

Chicken divan is a creamy chicken casserole recipe topped with crispy buttered breadcrumbs. It’s easy to make, can be prepped ahead of time, and is a classic family favorite.

Complete the meal with some roasted lemon parmesan garlic asparagus and a pot of perfect basmati rice.    

A spoon taking a scoop of chicken divan out of a white casserole dish.

Easy Chicken Divan

Chicken divan is comfort food at its finest. Shredded chicken is wrapped up in a creamy cheese sauce, topped with buttered breadcrumbs, then baked until bubbly and delicious. 

It’s always a winner at our dinner table and there are rarely leftovers. 

But when we can’t finish it all, it’s just as delicious warmed up for lunch the next day. 

A wooden spoon scooping chicken divan out of a casserole dish.

How to Make Baked Chicken Divan:

This is a very simple recipe that can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. Cooking the chicken: Poach chicken breasts and then shred them, but you can easily use leftover or rotisserie chicken.
  2. Making the sauce: After you whisk some butter and flour in a pan, simply add the other sauce ingredients and let the cheese melt. Easy!
  3. Buttering the breadcrumbs: Simply mix some panko or breadcrumbs with melted butter. 

Once you have these three parts ready to go, all you have to do is assemble the casserole and pop it into the oven!

What is in the sauce?

Chicken divan sauce is a creamy cheese sauce. There are many different variations, but we love ours best because it’s both easy to make and flavorful. 

  1. Butter 
  2. Flour
  3. Cream of chicken soup
  4. Cheese
  5. Milk
  6. Sour cream
  7. Dijon mustard

A white bowl with chicken divan with broccoli and rice on the side.

Can Delicious Chicken Divan be Made Ahead of Time?

Yes! Chicken divan can be prepped and assembled up to 2 days in advance. 

Tip: It is best to prevent the breadcrumbs from becoming soggy. Take the breadcrumbs and store in a separate container. When ready to serve the casserole, add them to the casserole just before you put it into the oven.

Chicken Variations:

This is a flexible recipe. We often add different veggies, rice, or noodles to the dish.

If adding variations, reduce the chicken to 3 chicken breasts and use 2 cups of the variations. Here are a few ideas:

  • Peas (thawed)
  • Onions (sauteed)
  • Broccoli (lightly steamed)
  • Rice (cooked)
  • Egg noodles (cooked)
  • Bacon (cooked crispy)

A wooden spoon scooping chicken divan out of a casserole dish.

Make a Complete Meal!

The creamy sauce is delicious spooned over rice or noodles. Try this chicken divan with a side of vegetables.

Here are a few that go well:

Chicken divan in a white bowl with broccoli and rice.

More Amazing Casserole Recipes:

A white bowl with chicken divan with broccoli and rice on the side.

Chicken Divan

Chicken divan is a creamy chicken casserole recipe topped with crispy buttered bread crumbs. It's easy to make, can be prepped ahead of time, and is a classic family favorite.
Course Dinner
Cuisine American
Keyword chicken divan
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 6 servings
Calories 336kcal
Author Kristen Stevens


The Casserole

  • 4 pieces chicken breast (or 5 cups cooked shredded chicken)
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

The Sauce

  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup (10 ½ ounces)
  • 1 ½ cups grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Butter the bottom and sides of a 9'x13" baking dish with the butter.
  • Place the chicken breasts in a medium-sized pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil over high heat then reduce the heat and simmer for 12 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked and no longer pink in the middle. Remove the chicken from the pot and shred it using 2 forks. (Or chop the chicken, if you prefer)While the chicken is cooking, make the sauce. Melt the butter in a medium-sized pan over medium heat. 
  • While the chicken is cooking, make the sauce. Melt the butter in a medium-sized pan over medium heat. Add the flour and whisk for 1 minute. Add the remaining sauce ingredients and whisk until combined and the cheese has melted. 
  • To make the topping, melt the butter in a small pan or microwave. Mix the panko, salt, and pepper into the melted butter. 
  • Place the shredded chicken in the buttered casserole dish. Pour the sauce over the top and mix it into the chicken. Top with the grated cheddar cheese and the buttered breadcrumbs. 
  • Cover the casserole with foil and bake for 30 minutes, or until hot and bubbly, removing the foil halfway through. 


Calories: 336kcal | Carbohydrates: 11g | Protein: 13g | Fat: 27g | Saturated Fat: 16g | Cholesterol: 78mg | Sodium: 537mg | Potassium: 437mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 817IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 382mg | Iron: 1mg





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Post Workout Green Goddess Protein Smoothie

The best thing about working out is the feeling post workout. Sometimes before I workout I’ll crave some foods, but once I’ve trained, all that my body is craving is … Read More

The post Post Workout Green Goddess Protein Smoothie appeared first on Amazon Warrior by Caroline Bakker.

from Amazon Warrior by Caroline Bakker https://ift.tt/3idtoif
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Mother Runners of the Month: Heather Jauquet + Heather Clark

Each month, we celebrate two athletes monthly in our #motherrunnner community.
[because sports awards aren’t just for youth soccer]

One athlete participates in our Many Happy Miles program and the other one is in a Train Like a Mother Club program: nothing like vicariously living through workout specifics, training cycles, and upcoming (virtual) races, right?

More importantly, they both epitomize the traits that keep us all moving forward: perspective, diligence, badassery, flexibility, and grit.


Location: Milbank, South Dakota

Kids: 3 kids; William (21), Claire (19) and Marion (16). I run with our labradoodle, Luna, when it is not too hot. We also have 3 horses, 2 cats and too many chickens.

What's your running story?
I started running shortly after William was born. I was a walker before then. It was simply a matter of needing to cover my 4 mile route faster so my husband could get to work on time.

I have done several 5Ks and 10Ks, and 13 or 14 half-marathons. However, the Twins Cities 10 miler is my favorite race and distance.

Now I run because I can. My daughter asked me why I do long runs if I am not training for anything. My answer: "Because I can, plus it makes me feel BadA$$”.

Why did you join Many Happy Miles?
I joined Many Happy Miles when it first started at the end of 2018. I wasn’t on a training plan but I wanted the sense of being on one.

I like how each month has a theme and keeps things fresh.

The MHM community is an amazing group of supportive, loving and dedicated women. As Caite says, “it’s the happiest place on the internet”. I agree with her 110%. This group of women consisting of all ages, experiences, and walks of life helps to build me up and makes me stronger – both mentally and physically.

Best workout in Many Happy Miles so far:
Heather, my favorite workouts are from November 2019 when the month consisted of Hat Tips (h/t) to Many Happy Miles members' favorite workouts. I love "h/t Ash" and "h/t Dimity." These are workout I go back to when I want to work on speed or running on the treadmill.

Hardest workout in Many Happy Miles so far:
I would say h/t Ash is a tough workout. I was cursing h/t Ash the first time I did this workout. I still occasionally curse her, but in a very good way. I tend to enjoy the tough ones.

Upcoming races? I just joined Train Like a Mother Club's Love the Run You're With 2.0. I think this is a fun way to stay motivated and positive. I was hoping to do the Twin Cities 10 miler again, but it is virtual this year.

When I run, I feel: empowered. I know that I can tackle almost anything after a run. 


Program: Ultra 50 Mile Program

Location: Spokane, Washington

Kids: Two amazing boys – Hunter (13) and Maks (10) and two amazing dogs – BoBo (15 years!) and GiGi (5 months)

What’s your running story?
I started consistently running at about age 23 and was lucky enough to find an amazing group of fellow #motherrunners.

Currently, I run every weekday at 5am with my BRF, Nancy (pictured above). Through this consistency, I quickly became hooked to running! Our mornings are joyful due to the deep meaningful conversations we have that provide therapy for my soul. Running each morning fills my cup, so I can pour that goodness to others the rest of the day. I’m "addicted" in all the best ways!

What led you to choosing the 50 mile ultra program and why do you enjoy it?
My friend from college, Kat Schjei, is a BAMbassador and has used Train Like a Mother training programs. She is so inspiring with so much ultra running success.

Because of Kat, I figured trying a Train Like a Mother plan was a no-brainer since she'd proven them to be successful for her! The 50 mile plan was easy to use and had a very clear plan for training. I also loved the chats in the Ultra group! 

Best workout in the Ultra 50 mile plan so far:
I really like the strength workouts that changed every few weeks. They were easy to use at home as well.

Most challenging workout in the Ultra 50 mile plan so far:
Oh my how to choose! LOL! Probably the week where you run 26 miles one day and the very next day run 18 miles. That was a bugger - but I finished!

What was your goal race?
 I was training for the St Regis, MT Trail Rail 50 miler, slated for June 6. With Covid, they decided to offer the race to local Montana residents only. All other registrants were kindly offered the chance to run it virtually on race day, upload Garmin data showing completion, and finishers were mailed the medal and Patagonia running race jacket!

So my BRF, Nancy, and I decided we weren’t throwing in the towel on getting this 50 miler done and created our own virtual local race course! (That jacket - we needed it!!)

We planned a beautiful course with friends hosting “aid stations” along the way out of their cars. We pre-packed all aid station bags for them and included what we wanted (en, water, tons of snacks, bandaids, etc).

We genuinely had the best time! It was wonderful to see 9 various sets of friends and family along our course and say hello to friends we hadn't seen in awhile. The support they all provided was just priceless.

While our race didn’t look as intended, it worked out truly for the better. I will forever cherish the memories made along my “course” and how much my friends and family truly showed up big time to support me.

What was your goal for your race?
My goal was just to finish in the allotted time and not be injured. Both were accomplished!!

When I run, I feel: like I am fully tapping into what makes me a more motivated employee, patient mother, loving wife and caring friend. It gives me a clear mind to focus on my purpose and the energy to achieve that purpose. I know what butters my bread – it’s running.😉

The post Mother Runners of the Month: Heather Jauquet + Heather Clark appeared first on Another Mother Runner.

from Another Mother Runner https://ift.tt/30hMUEr
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My Story: How Jacinta Kanakaratnam is Putting Men of Colour Front and Centre Via Her Grooming Line

Meet Jacinta Kanakaratnam, the Toronto-based founder of The Veddas, a super-curated and locally-made men’s grooming line made up of simply a beard oil and balm. Pulling inspiration from Ayurvedic wellness, a centuries-old Indian practice centered around healing, the finance-professional-turned-grooming-entrepreneur, who’s of Sri Lankan heritage, was inspired to create her own line of beard products geared towards men of colour after being fed up with the lack of representation in advertising, harmful masculinity narratives and a workplace beard restriction her husband faced. Here, she shares, in her own words, more about her company’s DNA.

On what sparked her passion to start her own men’s grooming line:

“I just found that product advertising didn’t speak to men of colour. Everything I was seeing was very much targeted towards the Caucasian male, yet that’s not what everyone looks like. There was very rarely a person of colour being advertised and even in the last five years, there’s only been a handful. I started to think: How many men of colour are dealing with the same insecurities that women deal with? How many of them do not have access to a product that speaks to them and that they felt comfortable using? So, I thought it was time to create something. I just thought it was important that men of colour feel seen and catered to. Creating some sort of diversity on shelves was important for me. Toxic masculinity in product advertising also weighed heavily on me and I began wondering who was thinking about the LGBTQ person of colour.”

On the coincidental moment with her husband that sparked more passion:

“I had this bizarre happenstance where my husband, who’s also Sri Lankan, came home and told me he had to shave because C-suite executives and the CEO of his company were coming in from the U.S. He had a full beard at the time and said, ‘I’ve heard that they prefer when guys in the office are clean shaven.’ He was just starting off at this company and thought that he would be able to get ahead by virtue of shaving. He was also told by someone in his office, ‘You better shave because they’ll respect you more. They don’t like to see beards.’

I’ve never worked in a place where I’ve been told what to do with my hair and I was flat out outraged. I don’t agree that clean-shaven should be mandatory unless there’s health implications. I just started thinking about how [it was possible that] people could correlate someone’s worth and performance capacity with their facial hair? It was just wild to me and weighed heavily on me. I mean, we’ve got friends who are Islamic, Sikh and Jewish and who grow beards, and I started to think about how difficult it must be for those men to have to look a certain way that’s divorced from their faith in order to climb the corporate ladder. So, I started to really believe that the men in our community needed something for them, but not targeted at them in a way that they felt a pressure to purchase a product that would make them feel more manly or a specific way.”

On other key values of her brand:

“I thought it was important to create grooming products for men in the hope that hearing about the brand would start a conversation about self-care. And in talking about self-care, men would take it a step further and also take care of their mental and physical health.”

On her target customer:

“I envision my customer as someone that is growing a beard (despite whatever picture society has painted men to look like) and who wants to start very small in terms of a grooming routine as well as keep their beard looking neat. They care about clean grooming, anti-toxic ingredients and taking the time to pay attention to themselves.”

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Abhyanga is the practice of self-massage. There are a few ways to do it. It involves using a warmed oil all over the body (if you want to see that, not today – maybe on @onlyfansofficial ) . We encourage you to try to incorporate this tradition when doing miniscule tasks, such as applying beard balm or oil. Take a breath, exhale, center yourself, close your eyes & apply the oil or balm deeply into your skin. Even 60 seconds of mindful application with our aromatic balms & oils creates rewarding relaxation. You can choose an oil according to your Ayurvedic dosha. If you do not "know" your dosha, use a dosha neutral oil like jojoba (which is in our oil & balm)👌🏽 A true Abhyanga session can be up to a 45 minutes. However, in just 10 to 15 minutes a day, you can get the benefits of abhyanga massage including relaxation, better sleep,  stress reduction, smoother hydrated skin, improved circulation, improved lymph drainage. What a long caption, can also we take a moment to swoon over the before and after aesthetic !? All our research & content is copywritten💛 Not for use without consent💛 DM us. We don't bite, so don't bite our content 😂 #abhyanga #beardabhyanga #ayurveda #beardlife #tradition #vedic #ayurvedicbeard #stronghair #massage #grooming #relaxation #meditate #style #mensstyle #beardstyle #facemassage #morningroutine #eveningroutine #centered #indiebeauty #cleanbeauty #torontostrong #ontariostrong #mensgrooming #decolonizingwellness #beforeandafter #malemodel #tamilbeard #pandemicbeard #guasha

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On The Veddas’s hero ingredients:

“We are all natural and don’t contain any parabens or chemicals. And we don’t do animal testing. The ingredient blend that’s very important to us is coconut oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil and argan oil because they all have antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that work together to combat skin issues. The blend is anti-inflammatory, so it’s really good to tame any chaffing, itching or chapping that usually results from having a beard. We also have rosemary extract which stimulates hair growth. That’s a super important ingredient for us since we tag our products as Ayurvedic, which is an old concept of natural healing.”

On being made locally:

“For the first year or so, I was definitely a kitchen chemist. I traveled to Sri Lanka about four or five times during product development to research and speak to Ayurvedic practitioners about what types of ingredients were important. I would bring ingredients back with me and mix everything myself. It took about a year of product formulation to get things right. Then I started thinking about working smarter and looked into manufacturing professionals based in Ontario to help. It’s one thing to make things in your kitchen and be like, ‘I’m going to sell to family and friends.’ But if you’re looking to really get your products out there, I think from the jump you need to work with someone that understands Canada’s guidelines on producing and selling cosmetics or anything natural.”

On the brand name, The Veddas:

“The name references ‘Vedas’ which are ancient religious texts found throughout the Indian subcontinents that provide guidance and rituals on living a healthy life. They’re basically very old scriptures.”

Missed our last My Story column? Click here.

The post My Story: How Jacinta Kanakaratnam is Putting Men of Colour Front and Centre Via Her Grooming Line appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine https://ift.tt/3kZnyCW
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