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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Surviving That Time Of The Month: Five Ways To Reduce Period Cramps Naturally

periodPeriod pain is a nightmare for most women around the world. They are caused due to the overproduction of inflammatory chemicals, called prostaglandins, which in turn trigger your uterus to bunch up, spasm, and cramp, making women want to curl up in a ball until the pain ends. Each month, the uterine lining builds up […]

The post Surviving That Time Of The Month: Five Ways To Reduce Period Cramps Naturally appeared first on Be Healthy Now.

from Be Healthy Now https://ift.tt/36yblzD
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This Is Why You Wake Up With a Racing Heart After a Particularly Bad Hangover

It is very common for people to experience a racing heart from consuming alcohol. Many drinks have a high sugar content that can cause your heart to race faster and stronger. Also, have you ever wondered why you need to go to the toilet repeatedly after a few drinks? Well, it's because alcohol is a diuretic - a urine producing substance. So when you have a few too many cocktails your heart tries to compensate for the loss of fluid volume, from all the frequent visits to the loo. It does this by increasing the blood flow and the force of each contraction with each heartbeat, which might explain that pounding feeling you had.

It's always important to drink in moderation and if you are going to have a glass, try to stick to clear drink choices that use sparkling mineral water over soft drinks or juices. And, try to drink a glass of water for every alcohol beverage you have, this will help prevent dehydration.

Always know the warning signs of a heart attack, and if you're ever in doubt call Triple Zero (000) to ask for an ambulance.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/2Uqj3Gq
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Friday, November 13, 2020

Apple Cider Vinegar *May* Help With Digestion - but It's Not a Sure Thing

Yes, improved digestion lands on the very long list of potential apple cider vinegar benefits. But is taking a shot of ACV any better for your gut than say a probiotic-rich yoghurt or preventing heartburn by limiting food triggers?

According to Dr. Nadia Khan, MD, internal medicine at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital, "Apple cider vinegar may help with digestion and gut issues," but remember that keyword: may.

To understand why it's touted as a digestive aid by many, you should know what apple cider vinegar really is.

"It is a vinegar formed from apple cider and yeast through a fermentation process," Dr. Khan said. "Because it is fermented, there are good bacteria and enzymes in it. Therefore, if you have irritable bowel syndrome, gas or constipation issues, or reflux disease, it can help to promote more efficient digestion and alleviate a lot of these symptoms."

However, Dr. Khan said you can also achieve similar results with probiotic foods.

ACV's acidic nature also comes into play with digestive health. "Ingesting diluted apple cider vinegar will therefore temporarily increase the acidity of the stomach contents and help with breakdown of food particles," Dr. Khan said. "This allows the intestines to more efficiently process the food molecules, thereby reducing gas and bloating."

But since digestion issues, like indigestion, can be caused by many different factors, Dr. Khan explained that apple cider vinegar isn't necessarily a guarantee that you'll get the digestion boost you're hoping for.

Perhaps you have one friend, though, that absolutely swears by apple cider vinegar for a myriad of reasons - just know that these benefits haven't been scientifically proven.

Overall, Dr. Khan said that if a patient is dealing with intestinal issues and dietary changes aren't working, trying apple cider vinegar can be an option. But, you'll need to do so safely. For starters, reach out to your doctor before adding ACV into your diet to ensure it's right for you and to get clear instructions. Dr. Khan said it is "relatively" safe when taken under the proper directions.

Another important safety note: "You need to be careful, however, not to cause yourself more harm by ingesting too much, or ingesting it straight without dilution, as this can be too harsh on your stomach and potentially cause electrolyte problems," Dr. Khan said.

Again, that's why always getting your doctor's stamp of approval and guidelines is key.

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/2Umq7Uq
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Rebel Wilson Opens Up About Her Fitness Journey: "I Am More Health Conscious & Thinking of Starting a Family."

Earlier this year, Rebel Wilson declared 2020 her "year of health", only now she'd like to clarify that that includes self-love, too. Overall, her health and fitness journey has been about more than just a number on a scale, or reactions on Instagram, as she recently told E! News.

"This year, I really kind of psychically knew I wasn't going to work that much and I was like this is going to be the year of health. So, I'm going to take it easy for a bit and really focus."

In addition to creating a workout routine with Australian celebrity trainer Jono Castano and hiring a nutritionist, she also decided it was time to change up her eating habits. "For me, the big thing was looking at my emotional eating and why I was doing it, and working on the mental side, which for me comes down to self-love really," she explained. "It's so hard to teach someone about that . . . I don't think I've arrived at some final destination yet."

While loving yourself sounds simple enough, Rebel acknowledged the struggle can be real: "Why aren't I valuing myself the way I would value another person? It's not like you wake up overnight and go, 'Oh, now I love myself more.' It's a hard thing and you got to look at why you might have inherited those behaviours or total things that happened in your life."

Health and fitness aside, 2020 has also been life-changing for Rebel's love life too, back in August she started to share photos of her new boyfriend, Millionaire Jacob Busch, who she's absolutely smitten with, "He is such a sweetheart and I adore him. We will see what happens."

Scroll to read what Rebel had to say about her journey so far.

On shaking unhealthy habits:

"I don't want to project the message that being smaller is better because I don't really believe that. I was just engaging in pretty unhealthy habits, like eating a tub of ice cream every night and stuff, that wasn't actually helping me. It just felt good in the moment."

On understanding what it's like to be overweight:

"I just really relate to anybody who is overweight . . . Whether you want to lose weight or you don't, that doesn't bother me. I just always like those people and I just feel so empathetic towards them because I've been there, and I don't know how my journey is gonna finish."

On her struggles with her health and being overweight:

"I've been overweight for about 20 years. I started gaining weight when I was about 20. I had something called PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome - and I gained weight rapidly. It's just a hormone imbalance and you gain a lot of weight usually and that's how it manifested in me. Sometimes, I feel sad, but then at the same time, I worked my body to my advantage. I like being all sizes. It's just now turning 40, I am more health conscious and thinking of starting a family."

On the most rewarding part of her health journey so far:

"As you get older, you realise, oh god, I just don't want to get trashed and wake up and feel tired . . . I got more energy, and I'm sure like when I was doing Pitch Perfect, there are some nights I didn't go out with the other girls because I would probably be a bit more tired after dancing my ass off. And now, you just have better energy about you. I feel sad that I didn't learn this earlier, but also this was my journey."

On starting a relationship before losing weight:

"Some people on social media say, 'Oh, well you lost weight and then you got a hot boyfriend.' But, what I do want to say to those people is that I actually dated Jacob when I was at my heaviest as well. So, it's not like I suddenly lost weight, and then you're like, oh, you get a hot boyfriend - that's not how it works. This guy liked me at 100 kilos and now 75 kilos. I just want to clear out that. There's something really comforting in that to me because you're like, oh, it wasn't necessarily of what my body type was. He really likes me for me."

On taking her heath one day at a time:

"It definitely is a daily journey. You are never really finished with it. If I'm stressed or under so much pressure, I probably will always lean back on that emotional eating. So, you got to manage all that. I hope everybody out there tries to get a bit healthier and especially the pandemic, you want a good immune system and to be as healthy as you possibly can."

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3nizhxJ
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Meditation Is Up More Than 3000% Thanks to the Chaos That's Been 2020

This year has been rough. Real rough. So when FitBit's yearly insights reported that there was a rise in wellness practices like yoga, meditation and pilates it made sense. We're all searching for a sense of calm amongst the chaos that's been 2020.

For the majority of the year, we were forced indoors and for the first time, many of us were forced to look inwards and spend time with ourselves. We had time to reflect on our lifestyle choices and learn that sometimes a slower pace is better. And while mindfulness has been on the rise over the last 5-10 years, the pandemic certainly accelerated the trend with the data showing that meditation is up 3,508%, while yoga and pilates are up 187% and 52%, respectively.

To learn more about the trend, we chatted to Psychologist and Therapist, Leanne Hall, who shares why avoiding emotional discomfort is one leading contributors to mental health problems, the benefits of meditation and why we need to train our minds to stay in the now.

POPSUGAR Australia: Fitbit's comparison data from 2019-2020 shows a rise in mindful practices like yoga, meditation and pilates. Aside from the pandemic, can you explain why you think that is?

Leanne: I think over the past 5-10 years we have certainly seen a rise in mindful practices thanks to social media mainly. Clearly, the pandemic has seen a dramatic increase - for many, it has forced us to stop and reflect. Part of that is the recognition that we need to prioritise our wellbeing. We are also talking more about mental health with many high-profile sportspeople and celebrities sharing their stories.

PS: For those of us that are anxious and afraid to be alone with our thoughts, why should we persevere with practices meditation?

Leanne: Avoiding emotional discomfort (triggered by uncomfortable thoughts) in my opinion is one of the leading contributors to mental health problems. We must learn to sit with distress to understand it and move through it. Meditation helps us learn that thoughts are transient - and so are the unpleasant emotions that they trigger. Meditation also helps to create distance between thoughts and emotions, by focusing on sensory experiences and grounding the body in the present. With practice, this means that you can observe your thoughts as opposed to emotionally react to them.

PS: Yoga is often calming for the mind and body because of the controlled breath work, can you explain how breath work can help manage stress and anxiety?

Leanne: Focusing on the breath is grounding - it helps to keep us in the present, as opposed to getting lost in our own heads with all of the anxious "noise". It also ensures that we are stabilising our oxygen levels which can get out of whack through the shallow breathing that happens when we are anxious. Because breathing is something we take for granted, it helps to be guided when we are trying to control our breathing for relaxation purposes (it also helps to make sure we are doing it right).

Fitbit Sense's guided breathing exercises is an example of a tool that can help us focus on our breathing through guided imagery and relaxation. The best part of this is that we can do it anywhere anytime.

PS: A lot of mindfulness experts often say that emotion can live in the body causing strain and stress, is there any sort of truth to that? And does practising mindful exercise like yoga and Pilates help release it?

Leanne: Absolutely! We embody our emotions, often they are experienced in our body before our mind. This is certainly the case for anxiety. Migraines, muscle tension, gastrointestinal problems and hypertension are just a few examples of how anxiety is held in the body. I have had many clients over the years deny "feeling" anxious despite their body telling them otherwise!

Practising mindful exercises provides a window into your emotional experiences - providing an opportunity to sit in that experience and feel it in a sensory way. This takes practice, and so having a device that can monitor your physical signs of anxiety is a great way to learn how your emotions exist in your body.

Fitbit Sense's stress management score and EDA scan app show you exactly how your body is responding to stress/anxiety. It allows you to see patterns and make connections between how you feel and how your body is experiencing that emotion. This awareness then empowers you to do something about it - and the range of mindful exercises and programs on Fitbit Premium means you have the knowledge and tools to manage those experiences.

PS: During 2020, most of us have been fight-or-flight mode constantly because of everything that's happened, how does mindful exercise help us to reset?

Leanne: Mindful exercises are all about learning to be present and in the moment. This is a difficult skill, as we are hard-wired to think about the past and future, and we can't help worrying about the "what if's".

Fight or flight mode is how the body responds to threat. However most of the time, the "threat" is in our heads. It's a thought. Often about something we fear "might" happen.

So, by practising mindfulness we are training our mind to stay in the now. We can't stay there all the time obviously, so by just taking a few minutes each day to practice being mindful - we can allow ourselves to let go of the tension, and distance ourselves from our thought processes.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/36ygJmi
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Ugh, It's Sports Bra Chafing Season - Here's How to Stop It

I'm currently in pain. A whole damn world of it and I'd love to tell you it's because I worked out hard, real hard. But truthfully, it's all because of my pesky sports bra. Summer, or as I like to call it, 'chafing szn', always means the return of the dreaded sports bra chafe.

You could be wearing the best, most supportive sports bra in the world (Hello, Nike Alpha), and the likelihood of chafing is still very high due to the potent combination of fabrics and sweat rubbing against your skin. If you're an avid runner, that constant friction can often lead to weakening or wearing away of the skin making it sensitive and sore to the touch. Plus, once you add a little salt from your sweat to the mix, she really burns.

Luckily, chafing can easily be prevented by prepping skin and choosing the right sports bra to avoid being rubbed the wrong way.

1) Use Lube (No, Not That Kinda Lube)

Make skin more pliable with moisturisers and balms to help reduce friction. While that may seem counterintuitive given that wet conditions usually increase chafing, dry skin, especially in Winter, as opposed to well-moisturised skin, is more prone to rubbing.

2) Create a Barrier

If you're a long-distance runner, be sure to create a barrier between the fabric and your skin. Try applying some kinesiology tape where your bra would usually rub while you run. This adds a layer in-between you skin and the fabric meaning it stops that direct fabric to skin friction that causes chafing.

3) Choose Your Fighter Sports Bra Correctly

If you're working out in an ill-fitting sports bra, you're settling yourself up to chafe. Make sure you're wearing the right size and fit to avoid any excess movement that can cause friction. You can learn how to fit a sports bra here. And when possible, wear seamless and tagless clothes, as the stitches and tags can often rub skin.

If you're already suffering from the raging rash, make sure you have a lukewarm shower after exercising and wash the area with antibacterial soap to keep bacteria from entering the body through cracked, dry skin. Pat dry and apply a thick lotion or balm like Vaseline.

When you suffer from chafe, your skins moisture barrier has been severely damaged and repeated friction means that it can have a difficult time repairing itself. Vaseline works by creating a protective barrier that locks in moisture and protects the skin while supporting its natural recovery process.

Below we've rounded up all the anti-chafe tools you'll need to stock up on this season.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/2IwMQdM
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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Here's What Goes on During the Stages of Digestion and What It Means For Your Body

Between plant milk, pre- and probiotics, and gluten-free alternatives, I think (and talk!) about digestive health more than ever before.

I know that digestion is how the body breaks down food and turns it into nutrients, but that's about the extent of my knowledge. Where these digestive-health trends and buzzwords come into play is beyond me.

According to Dr. Ugo Iroku, MD, a gastroenterologist with The Endoscopy Centre of New York, medications and dietary supplements can be excellent where appropriate, but understanding the digestive system can help you question how exactly a proposed treatment plan is supposed to help you.

"A greater understanding of the digestive process will lead to better discussions and buy-in with an appropriate treatment plan."

Where the average person's digestive process takes 72 hours, Dr. Iroku's step-by-step explainer should only take a few minutes to read.


"This stage of digestion begins before the turkey leg even makes its way into our mouths. The mere anticipation of food starts saliva production, and with it enzymes such as amylase, which breaks down starches," Dr. Iroku said.

Ingestion also includes breaking down food by chewing, ultimately converting each bite of food into bolus (a mass of chewed food), he added.

If you're experiencing nausea from stomach inflammation (aka gastritis) or a stomach ulcer, you may be experiencing a decreased appetite, too. Dr. Iroku said this is an issue that should be addressed at the ingestion phase.


Next, the tongue, pharyngeal muscles at the back of our throats, and the esophagus's wave-like peristalsis movement propel the bolus into the stomach, Dr. Iroku explained.

Propulsion is the stage where acid reflux occurs - resultant irritation can also drop the appetite, he added.

Mechanical Digestion

Although physical food breakdown technically begins with chewing, Dr. Iroku said it continues throughout the mechanical stage, where stomach muscles break food down into smaller pieces.

"When we skip chewing due to our eagerness to eat a lot, that can lead to larger and tougher boluses of food making their way to our stomach and causing quite a bit of indigestion."

Chemical Digestion

According to Dr. Iroku, the chemical breakdown of enzymes starts with saliva. It continues in the stomach with acid and enzyme production, ultimately converting the swallowed food bolus into a semifluid pulp called chyme.

"This chyme then enters the small intestine, which, with the production of bile, breaks down fatty foods into its microscopic components."

If you are lactose intolerant, the lactase enzyme (that breaks down dairy!) is unavailable; this leaves the bulk of the digestive breakdown in the hands of our gut bacteria, Dr. Iroku said.

"Gut bacteria are messy eaters, unfortunately, and produce much more gassiness and bloating as they digest foods, leaving us with flatulence, abdominal cramps, and unhappy roommates."


"This process also began in a small degree in the mouth, but is primarily occurring in the small intestine, as the nutrients are derived from the chyme as it makes its way to the colon."

Celiac disease - where gluten prevents the small intestine from carrying out its role in absorbing nutrients properly - is a well-known problem associated with absorption.


Whatever's left to be digested ends up in the colon, where additional water is removed, ultimately converting it to stool, which then exits the body, Dr. Iroku said.

Constipation results from a slow-moving gut that can cause pain, bloating, nausea, and heartburn, he added.

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.

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Everything you always wanted to know about back pain but were afraid to ask…

Back pain is a major healthcare financial burden in the developed world. Besides it hurts… I have been treating patients with back pain for well over a decade. I call myself spine pain interventionist as I have been treating back pain with various non-invasive interventions, such as epidural steroid injection, facet joints injections, radiofrequency ablation and so on. And I have been trained by Spine Intervention Society and World Institute of Pain esteem Instructors, great doctors and teachers. And I have been fairly confident in my skills and training. But the trouble was that it didn’t work as well as I would expect… The pain didn’t go away or went away for a short while only. Overall the results were disappointing. And I didn’t want to disappoint my patients who were suffering genuine back pain.

Regenerative orthopaedic and back pain – paradigm shift.

And this is how I came across regenerative orthopaedics. For me it’s been a paradigm shift. Let me explain. For many years we believed that spine pain was caused by one, sometimes two pain generator in the spine, namely disc, facet joint, nerve root and so on and our role is it find this pain generator, treat it and pain will go away. This is very “surgical” approach to the problem: find what is wrong, cut it off and patient is cured. I am not saying that this is overall wrong approach. Quite oposite, very often it is a life saving approach. But not in case of back pain. What I have learned from regenerative orthopaedics is looking at the spine and the rest of musculoskeletal system as a whole, as a well oiled machinery. And when one, even the smallest, element of this machinery fails the whole system brakes down. So if your disc doesn’t work properly, not only your facet joints will start suffering but even your knee joint will start hurting. And this is the beauty and wisdom of regenerative orthopaedics: to take you body as a whole and to treat it as a whole.

Regenerative treatments for back pain.

As I said above, I look at the spine as a whole. And I am able to offer a wide range of interventions, such as stem cells, platelet rich plasma and platelet lysate injections to epidural space, around the nerve roots, into the facet joints and discs as well as to stabilising muscles and ligaments. I make sure that the treatment provides help to painful structures as well as improves spine stability and strength.

No quick fix.

And no intervention will help your back pain if it is not foregone by correct diet and supplements intake and followed by exercises and lifestyle change. That is why we always advise our patients to prepare for the treatment by reducing sugars, red meat and alcohol prior to the treatment, by taking supplements such as fish oils and turmeric. And there is no point to carry out the treatment if patient doesn’t commit themselves to healthy diet and lifestyle afterwards. My point is, that if somebody promises you a “quick fix” of your spine problem, run away, don’t fall into the trap of easy and quick solution. There is no such one. Back pain is always complex and we are here to help you to manage it but without your engagement and effort no intervention will be successful.

So if you suffer from back pain, please, book a consultation and I am happy to discuss your treatment options. More information on our website: www.algocells.com

The post Everything you always wanted to know about back pain but were afraid to ask… appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

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22 Bottles of Alcohol We’re Buying From Amazon Based Solely on How Pretty the Bottle Is

They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but when it comes to alcohol, the opposite is usually true. The prettier the bottle, the better tasting the drink, right? When you walk into a bottle shop and have no idea what to buy, you can usually bet that something in an aesthetically-pleasing bottle will do the trick (that or pink gin is always a surefire winner).

Whether you buy into the belief or not, it doesn't hurt to have a few beautiful bottles on your bar cart. Here, we've rounded up 22 bottles of alcohol from Amazon that we'll be adding to cart and then our bar cart, solely based on how cute the bottle is.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/2IsAkMO
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Are Mushy Peas Healthy?

mushy peasMushy peas are a classic British dish, often served as an accompaniment to fish and chips. In the north of the country they are also traditionally served with a pie. Because they are mainly dished up with high-fat, calorie-laden meals, many people assume that mushy peas are not good for you. But is this true? […]

The post Are Mushy Peas Healthy? appeared first on Be Healthy Now.

from Be Healthy Now https://ift.tt/3neT80B
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Build Muscle by Adding These 12 Sculpting Plyometric Exercises to Your Routine

Growing up, I had an affinity for intense workouts and sports. My favourite part of training was always the plyometric sessions, although I thoroughly loved winning competitions in practice, scoring goals when scrimmageing my sister, and getting new PRs. I loved plyo sessions because they involved agility, power, and explosion, and they translated to becoming a better athlete.

As a trainer, I still have a special place in my heart for plyos for all of the same reasons. Additionally, they can help you build and increase the size of your muscle mass - which I love for both aesthetic and overall health purposes.

I wouldn't recommend doing plyometrics daily, especially if you're untrained, aren't accustomed to performing plyometric exercises, and aren't following a specialised workout plan. But, I do recommend beginning to add a few of the following exercises into your workouts if your goal is to build muscle and improve your speed, strength, power, and overall athletic performance.

Be sure to work with a certified trainer if you're just getting started out to ensure that you meet the prerequisites to add these movements into your routine (i.e. being able to perform a bodyweight squat properly before doing a jump squat) and that you're performing them with proper technique.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/2IqrtL9
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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Yes, Your Teeth Can Actually Throb - Here’s What the Pain Could Mean

No, your heartbeat hasn't reached your teeth - that throbbing sensation could be a sign of an infection.

"Throbbing teeth may be caused by an infection in a tooth or the gums around the teeth. Infections in teeth are caused by deep decay, broken teeth, or past trauma to the teeth," Dr. Elizabeth Cranford Robinson, DMD, FAGD, a dentist associated with Cranford Dental, explains.

Unfortunately, throbbing pain doesn't always strike alone. It's common to feel tenderness to chewing, achiness, swelling, or bleeding gums along with it too, she adds.

Since throbbing tooth pain is a possible sign of underlying issues with the tooth or gums, there are ways to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Dr. Robinson says that practicing good oral hygiene, avoiding sugary foods and drinks that cause decay, wearing a nightguard to prevent cracks in teeth if you clench or grind, and regularly seeing your dentist can keep you feeling good.

And if you're already experiencing throbbing teeth pain, you should contact your dentist if the pain worsens, is consistent, or keeps you from sleeping at night, she adds.

"Most patients seek care for a throbbing tooth within a few days of the first onset. If the throbbing pain goes away on its own, it is still important to follow up with your dentist to see if she can determine the cause. Some conditions that cause throbbing pain can also cause swelling, which can quickly become very painful and dangerous."

Before self-diagnosing yourself with an oral infection, though, assess if you're experiencing sinus pressure, too. Dr. Robinson says that a sinus infection can also trigger throbbing tooth pain.

Of course, your doctor or dentist will be able to give you a clear-cut answer on what's going on and how to feel better. So, leave any prognosis to an expert before jumping to conclusions.

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.

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How to Prepare for a Winter Hike

Don’t let the cold weather stop you from your regular sporting activities as winter is knocking at our doors. Going on an adventure has never been easier even though days are getting shorter and colder. All you need to do is closely follow a few helpful tips that help get your mindset in the right place. 

Not only does hiking have numerous benefits that will help improve your physical and mental health, but it will also help boost your cardiovascular health, confidence, strength, and balance, as well as help you fight against the winter blues that are inevitably present as the days get darker. 

So, if you’re interested in defeating the couch potato mentality and overcoming your winter blues, take a look at a few tips and tricks on what you should know about winter hikes.

Find a Hiking Pal

Before anything, it’s essential to find a hiking buddy so you won’t hike alone. Why is this important? If you are not an experienced hiker, hiking alone in winter is not safe. Having a hiking pal is like having a safety net in case of emergencies as hiking in the snow on steep hills or mountains can be a bit risky.

If you have a bit of experience in winter hiking, you might even want to bring your dog along on the hike to keep you company.

Stay Hydrated

Although many people think that hydration is not as necessary during the winter as it is in the summer days, staying hydrated on a winter hike is of the utmost essence. You can stay hydrated not only by drinking water but also with a good, old-fashioned herbal infusion.

Don’t worry — you can easily prevent your water from freezing by purchasing a special water bottle or even just wrapping it in a wool beanie, scarf, socks, or anything similar to keep it warm.

If you opt for carrying tea, purchase a thermos to keep it constantly warm. A thermos is a smart investment whether you’re a regular hiker or not. We’ll throw in an additional tip — put some ginger and lemon in your tea for extra protection against potential colds.

Dress Warm and Smart

Think in terms of layers before you set out on your winter hike. There is nothing more important than layering up as below zero winter temperatures are quite dangerous. Especially if you’re going on a long hike, don’t forget to pack an additional layer of clothing!

We’ll break it down for you. When it comes to tops, go with three layers — base layer, an insulating layer, and outer shell. Opt for synthetic materials that will quickly dry if you sweat. 

For the bottom, opt for two layers if the temperature is extremely low. For example, think about wearing a base layer and a waterproof layer on top. If it’s not too cold, a pair of thermal leggings will make you feel comfortable and warm.

Waterproof gloves, wool socks, and insulated winter hiking boots will do the trick to cover the rest. You can also wear a pair of gaiters to keep the snow from getting into your boots. Ellis Brigham is great for hiking gear if you don’t know where to start. Don’t forget to pack an extra pair of socks just in case yours gets wet.

All the more, sunglasses and sunscreen will become your new best friends when hiking. Even though there is a misconception that most winter days are overcast and protection against the sun is not needed, they can easily and quickly turn sunny. When that happens, the white snow becomes even brighter than it already is.

That’s why it’s crucial to bring sunglasses to help soften the reflectiveness of the snow, which makes your hike quite uncomfortable. Whether you’re hiking in summer or winter, never go without your sunglasses.

Furthermore, being exposed to the sun in winter months can do just as much damage to your skin as the summer sun. Apply sun protection before you set off to prevent your skin from burning in the high mountains.

Bring Food

Not many first-time hikers think about bringing food on a hike, but it would be challenging to complete a hike without stacking up on protein. Protein does wonders for your energy levels, and choices are abundant when it comes to protein foods you can consume on the go. 

Avoid food that will make you stop moving so you can eat it, such as sandwiches or any other picnic food. Chocolate and energy bars can also freeze in below zero temperatures, making them more difficult to eat.

Think more in terms of cereal bars, nuts, raisins, and other dried fruits. Interestingly, cheese is also a fantastic choice as it won’t freeze or get too cold to eat, and you can consume it on the go.

Check the Weather Forecast

It might sound like obvious advice, but regularly checking the weather and avalanche forecast is a must if you are going on a long hike. Moreover, it’s especially crucial to do it in winter as the weather is likely to change more often. 

To be more specific, it’s not as simple as opening the weather app on your phone. You should check the daylight hours, wind speed chart, avalanche reports, and the depth and state of snow cover on the slope (which may not be available for all hiking trails).

Keep in mind that in these conditions, even a small breeze can significantly impact your overall perception of the cold. That’s why we have advised you always to carry an added layer of clothes.

The same stands for avalanches — even small avalanches can significantly impact your hiking path, making it impossible for you to reach your desired destination. That’s why you should regularly check the avalanche forecast.

Pro tip — Keep in mind that all batteries lose power quicker when exposed to lower temperatures. That’s why you should keep your navigation tools (GPS, mobile phone, etc.) closer to your body so your body heat can keep the device warmer. Bring a power bank, as well, to charge your devices on the go.

The post How to Prepare for a Winter Hike appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

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Gratitude: Why An Attitude Is Not Enough

What Is Gratitude?

Gratitude is being thankful and appreciative for what you have. It is about remembering that there is good in life, so not just focusing on the negative. There are many tools out there to help you do this. I myself had a gratitude journal at the beginning of my journey because it helped to ground me. It helped me to see the light in the darkness and not just create a catalogue of misery like my previous diaries had been.

I opted for this because of its handy top-drawer-of-my-bedside-table size. Also, the cover made me chuckle. But, as I said, as far as these things go, there is so much to choose from. You can even create your own, as shown here. As an aside, I will forever be a tiny bit jealous of those with the artist capacity to draw and journal, but I think dwelling on it defeats the point of what I’m trying to achieve here.

The basic idea behind the journal is to get you to spend some time every day thinking about what you are grateful for. I used to do this before I went to sleep. This way I could finish the day with a boost of warm fuzzies and give myself some hope. It worked. However, I was not convinced that this was all there was to it. I wanted to understand more and so I began to dig deeper.

Why Is It Good for Us?

Research on the positive effects of gratitude is endless and convincing. From improved sleep to reduced stress. From better self-esteem to enhancing friendships and relations. And from strengthening immunity to keeping dark thoughts at bay. All for just 15 minutes in your precious 24 hours. There seems to be very little reason why we should not be giving this a go.

A couple of weeks ago I was discussing gratitude within a group I host. The participants of this group were gratitude veterans. In fact, they taught me a lot. The sticking point came when we tried to reel off our lists of thanks. We struggled. This highlighted two points. Firstly, that we were all quite tired which made is difficult. Secondly, that because they’d done it so often, it was starting to get stale.

I began to wonder at what point these activities start to lose their meaning? When do they become just another task for us to complete? Do we just go through the motions rather than savouring the way it makes us feel? It was there that I thought of a way to take gratitude to the next level. To take it from passive to active. To put the intention back into the process. And to reconnect with the purpose of behind it all again.

Putting Gratitude Into Practice

I am grateful for my dog. My partner and I have a very small and very grumpy Yorkshire Terrier called Taz. While he has his quirks, we would not change him for the world. Is it enough for me to just be grateful for him? No. I must act. I show my gratitude by making sure he is fed. By walking him the correct length for his age and breed. I groom him and get him clipped when needed. And we have a fund set up so that if he needs to go to a vet we can cover the cost.

This is gratitude in action. Let us take another example. Perhaps you are grateful for nature. You might show this by recycling or reusing your plastic bags. It might be that you show it by feeding the birds in your garden or taking spiders outside rather than killing them. This is what our focus should be when we come to journal at night. Not what am I grateful for today but how have I shown gratitude today?

With this approach the possibilities are endless. There are a million ways you could show gratitude for a single item on your list. Not only does it have the benefits we mentioned above but it also encourages creativity. On top of that we get rid of that risk of things becoming stale. Ideal. The group very much liked this idea. I am very much looking forward to what they come up with. I might even restart jotting things down myself.

Closing Thoughts

As a Resilience Coach, I use the notion of gratitude as a way to help people improve their mental wellbeing. This is either on a one to one basis or as part of larger groups. My favourite activity for a collective discussion on wellbeing is using different coloured straws. Paper ones, of course. The straws are hidden inside a box or a bag which is given to the group along with the instructions. Each colour represents something different. For example, red might be a place you are grateful for. Yellow might be a food you are grateful for. Etc.

Members of the group then take it in turns to pick a straw. Then they have a discussion about what they are grateful for and why. I am now going to have to add a new dimension to this exercise. Participants now need to also think of ways they can show that gratitude. I’m going to have to schedule more time for this particular game. Maybe this is something you could try at your place of work or with your family? You can find out more about the work I do at www.gemmalouisecoaching.com.

The post Gratitude: Why An Attitude Is Not Enough appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

from Wellbeing Magazine https://ift.tt/35l0dXv
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P.E Nation Is Doing an Open Casting Call For Their Next Campaign, Here's How to Enter

Australian fitness label P.E Nation has announced an open casting call for their next UNI-Form campaign. Their recent UNI-Form campaign was a genderless offering of hoodies, crew neck sweaters, shorts, t-shirts, tracksuits and leggings that you could absolutely share with your boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other.

The press release outlines that, if successful, four male, female and non-binary entrants will feature in the upcoming campaign to be shot in the Sydney metro area later this month. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions this opportunity is for NSW residents only.

All you have to do is head over to their website and fill out a form telling them what being part of a team means to you. Entries close Wednesday, November 18 and finalists will be notified by Friday, November 20. All applicants must be free to shoot in Sydney on Tuesday, November 24.

For the full T&C's and to enter the competition click here.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/35gQAJe
via babu31

Sweet Potato Chips with Sweet Chilli Feta

Homemade sweet chilli? Yes please! Crumble some feta on top and you have a delicious side that is sure to make everyone happy.

Time to cook: 35 minutes, 10 minutes prep time 

Serves: 6, as a side


The post Sweet Potato Chips with Sweet Chilli Feta appeared first on JSHealth.

from JSHealth https://ift.tt/3ke5bcF
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Jackson Warne Proudly Told Dad Shane About His Valiant SAS Australia Effort & Now We're All Crying

The sweet-natured Jackson Warne just dropped out of SAS Australia, and, on his way out, he had a sweet FaceTime conversation with his famous dad, cricketer Shane Warne.

Jackson dropped out during a test of the contestants' endurance, a pack march over rough terrain, where they each carried at least 18.1 kilograms in their backpacks. Jackson lagged behind the others throughout, leading Chief Instructor Ant Middleton to question whether he even wanted to continue. When he was two kilometres behind, Ant asked him for the second time if he wanted to voluntarily withdraw, to stop "prolonging [his] suffering".

Jackson gave in: "Have my number, staff. I can't catch up."

"You are so far behind but yet personally you've come so far," Ant said. "This nightmare is over for you. Well done."

"The course has physically and mentally broken me and I can't do any more," Jackson reflected, "so I'm walking away knowing that I gave it everything I've got."

Dad Shane was equally proud of Jackson's efforts when his exhausted son video-called him from base camp. "Guess what?," Jackson began. "I tried everything. I did everything. I ate all the food. I did all the ropes courses. I did all the water stuff. I did it all.

"I've learned so much. It's changed my life," he added.

Shane seemed both happy for his son and excited to see him. "Well done!" he exclaimed first. "You've pushed yourself so much. You've done unreal, mate. We love you. We're so proud of you. You've done awesome."

As Jackson started crying, his dad reiterated: "Mate, we're so proud of you. You've done unbelievably well. You've pushed yourself so much, well done. I love you, mate!

"Go and smash 20 burgers!," were Shane Warne's extremely on-brand parting words.

Jackson told New Idea what his dad thought of his time on the show earlier this month. "He was scared for me to do it at the start, but he's super proud. Dad and I are very close. He's my best friend."

We're so thrilled that we got to meet the gentle Jackson Warne on SAS Australia!

SAS Australia airs on Channel Seven, Monday to Tuesday. Join us at our Facebook group Pass the Popcorn to gab about all things reality TV.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/38v1vBo
via babu31

This New Athleisure Range is So Versatile You'll Find Yourself Wearing it Religiously

This week, MESHKI launched their first athleisure collection and honestly, it's so good you'll find yourself wearing it outside the gym, too.

Made up of a range of versatile, flattering cuts, each piece is designed to sculpt and hug the body while remaining super breathable and supportive during your workout. The entire collection comes in a neutral colour palette of black, charcoal, chocolate, nude and white, meaning you can shift from barre to brunch with ease.

With a mix of go-to statement styles and everyday essentials, it's a collection worthy of the investment, especially when it's all priced at under $149. There are a total of 30 styles including four accessories - socks, a belt, cap and water bottle.

"Inspired by our customers, we have created a range where it is all about snatching you in at the right places, sexy contour lines, cut-outs, clever panelling, ruching to lift your booty and self-binding details. It is a forward fashion range that will be unique on the high street," said the brands Head Of Design Rheanna Donaldson.

Scroll to shop MESHKI's athleisure range.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3peD54U
via babu31

Amazon Australia Black Friday 2020: What’s in Store

The Christmas shopping season is just about to start. And if you still have no idea what gifts to get for your family and friends, then worry no more. With Amazon Australia’s Black Friday 2020 set this coming 27 November, there is more than enough deals to complete any gift list. You might even score some nifty fitness gear and wearables for yourself! Read on to learn more about this much-awaited deals bonanza.

What is Black Friday 2020?

Black Friday is a big sales event for shoppers to buy items for less, mainly for Christmas gifts. During this time, offline and online retailers offer a wide range of products with massive discounts, up to 70% off. This year, Black Friday falls on 27 November 2020, and the sale period will run until 30 November for the Cyber Monday sale.

The Black Friday sale happens annually every last Friday of November, right after Thanksgiving Day in the United States. However, for Amazon, great offers are already up for grabs at least two days prior. And that means almost an entire week’s worth of huge discounts and more happy shopping for us!

Is It a Big Sales Event in Australia?

The Black Friday event started as an American tradition that global retailers eventually embraced. In Australia, Black Friday has slowly gained momentum for the past years since it began in the country. Amazon Australia, for instance, stated that Black Friday 2019 was its biggest shopping day ever. And this news only goes to show that Aussie shoppers are just as keen when it comes to bargain hunting.

Amazon Australia shared further that the event gave them their much-needed online foot traffic. And with social distancing and health protocols still in place to this day, there’s a high chance that shoppers will prefer online shopping over retail stores for Black Friday 2020. With fingers crossed, we expect far more exciting online offers this year, too!

What Are the Deals to Expect?

Black Friday 2020 is still a few days away, and knowing Amazon, the retail giant won’t be revealing its major offers until much later. However, based on previous years, our safe bets include:

  • Amazon devices. Amazon regularly offers discounts on its smart home devices, so we’re looking forward to more bargain prices for Black Friday 2020. Last year, Echo Dot, Echo Show 5, Kindle Paperwhite and Fire TV Stick were among the in-demand Amazon-branded products.
  • Laptops and consoles. Savvy shoppers would typically wait for big sales to score massive discounts on consumer electronics like computers and gaming products. Prominent brands like Apple, Dell and HP are likely to offer great deals on Amazon as well as in their websites.
  • Smart TVs and soundbars. If you’re planning to upgrade your home entertainment system, Black Friday is the perfect time to do so. Multiple brands for TVs and smart speakers are sure to join this event with massive price drops.

For the fitness enthusiasts, Black Friday is likely to have so much in store for you, too. Noise-cancelling headphones, shoes, activewear, supplements and wearables like smartwatches are some items to keep an eye on. We’ll be making a list of updated Amazon deals in another post. So, make sure to bookmark this article to keep tabs on the best bargains!

Does Cyber Monday Offer Better Deals?

When this sale event started, Black Friday is more on physical stores, whereas Cyber Monday sale is all about online shopping, hence the name. Currently, there’s no significant difference between the two, and items on sale during both times are available in brick-and-mortar and online stores.

However, some foreign and Australian retailers prefer to hold their best deals until the last day of the event. It’s up to you to wait for better discounts, but there’s always a risk for popular products to sell out fast.

I suggest buying the items you want right then and there, while stocks are still available. Black Friday in Australia is the biggest sale event of the year, and you probably won’t enjoy huge savings, particularly on expensive items, other than this time.

Also, to make the most of Black Friday 2020, regularly check Amazon’s Black Friday sales page and download the Amazon app for notifications. Unlike Amazon Prime Day, Black Friday deals are open to all.

However, Amazon Prime customers can have access to all sorts of perks, including early access to lightning deals, exclusive discounts and free shipping. If you’re not yet a member yet, make sure to sign up here for a FREE 30-day trial!

The post Amazon Australia Black Friday 2020: What’s in Store appeared first on Health Constitution.

from Health Constitution https://ift.tt/3eKeaBi
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17 Click Frenzy Sales on Activewear That’ll Get You Excited for Your Next Workout

Let's be real, it's probably time for a little activewear update. Either you've worn the hell out of the same pair of leggings while you WFH (Hi, me!), or you could desperately use the inspiration to get back into the gym. The kind only fresh gym clothes (or a hot PT) can give.

Cue: Click Frenzy's massive 53-hour sales. Activewear brands like UnderArmour, Echt, L'Urv Sportswear 2XU and more, are slashing prices by up to 20%. The sales lasts until midnight Thursday, November 12, and discounts are as marked or applied at the checkout.

Scroll to shop our edit of the best deals.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3lfRDyX
via babu31