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Friday, November 13, 2020

Rebel Wilson Opens Up About Her Fitness Journey: "I Am More Health Conscious & Thinking of Starting a Family."

Earlier this year, Rebel Wilson declared 2020 her "year of health", only now she'd like to clarify that that includes self-love, too. Overall, her health and fitness journey has been about more than just a number on a scale, or reactions on Instagram, as she recently told E! News.

"This year, I really kind of psychically knew I wasn't going to work that much and I was like this is going to be the year of health. So, I'm going to take it easy for a bit and really focus."

In addition to creating a workout routine with Australian celebrity trainer Jono Castano and hiring a nutritionist, she also decided it was time to change up her eating habits. "For me, the big thing was looking at my emotional eating and why I was doing it, and working on the mental side, which for me comes down to self-love really," she explained. "It's so hard to teach someone about that . . . I don't think I've arrived at some final destination yet."

While loving yourself sounds simple enough, Rebel acknowledged the struggle can be real: "Why aren't I valuing myself the way I would value another person? It's not like you wake up overnight and go, 'Oh, now I love myself more.' It's a hard thing and you got to look at why you might have inherited those behaviours or total things that happened in your life."

Health and fitness aside, 2020 has also been life-changing for Rebel's love life too, back in August she started to share photos of her new boyfriend, Millionaire Jacob Busch, who she's absolutely smitten with, "He is such a sweetheart and I adore him. We will see what happens."

Scroll to read what Rebel had to say about her journey so far.

On shaking unhealthy habits:

"I don't want to project the message that being smaller is better because I don't really believe that. I was just engaging in pretty unhealthy habits, like eating a tub of ice cream every night and stuff, that wasn't actually helping me. It just felt good in the moment."

On understanding what it's like to be overweight:

"I just really relate to anybody who is overweight . . . Whether you want to lose weight or you don't, that doesn't bother me. I just always like those people and I just feel so empathetic towards them because I've been there, and I don't know how my journey is gonna finish."

On her struggles with her health and being overweight:

"I've been overweight for about 20 years. I started gaining weight when I was about 20. I had something called PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome - and I gained weight rapidly. It's just a hormone imbalance and you gain a lot of weight usually and that's how it manifested in me. Sometimes, I feel sad, but then at the same time, I worked my body to my advantage. I like being all sizes. It's just now turning 40, I am more health conscious and thinking of starting a family."

On the most rewarding part of her health journey so far:

"As you get older, you realise, oh god, I just don't want to get trashed and wake up and feel tired . . . I got more energy, and I'm sure like when I was doing Pitch Perfect, there are some nights I didn't go out with the other girls because I would probably be a bit more tired after dancing my ass off. And now, you just have better energy about you. I feel sad that I didn't learn this earlier, but also this was my journey."

On starting a relationship before losing weight:

"Some people on social media say, 'Oh, well you lost weight and then you got a hot boyfriend.' But, what I do want to say to those people is that I actually dated Jacob when I was at my heaviest as well. So, it's not like I suddenly lost weight, and then you're like, oh, you get a hot boyfriend - that's not how it works. This guy liked me at 100 kilos and now 75 kilos. I just want to clear out that. There's something really comforting in that to me because you're like, oh, it wasn't necessarily of what my body type was. He really likes me for me."

On taking her heath one day at a time:

"It definitely is a daily journey. You are never really finished with it. If I'm stressed or under so much pressure, I probably will always lean back on that emotional eating. So, you got to manage all that. I hope everybody out there tries to get a bit healthier and especially the pandemic, you want a good immune system and to be as healthy as you possibly can."

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3nizhxJ
via babu31

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