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Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2020

AMR Aid Station: What to Do When Runs Go Bad

by Cathy Engstrom

I’m going to share a cooking story with you, but hang with me. I promise to circle back to what to do when runs go bad.

Last week I thought it would be fun to try a new recipe. (I use the word “fun” loosely, because on a scale of 1 to 10, I rate the chore of cooking as a .05.) I have had great success with the recipes from Half Baked Harvest, and most of our meals from that website make me look like I know what I’m doing and my family is happy with the end product.

when runs go bad
Cathy's dish did NOT look like this.

I attempted to prepare Skillet Creamy Cajun Chicken Lazone with Herby Corn, which is just a fancy way of saying chicken and corn in a cream sauce. I lined up the ingredients, followed the recipe step-by-step, and made sure I didn’t overcook the chicken to leather status.

Sadly, despite my best intentions and effort, I was left with a gloopy mess that was, to put it kindly, unappetizing.

We wound up having sandwiches for dinner.

What does this have to do with running? On my typical running days, I lace up my favorite baby blue New Balance 860s, cue up a juicy podcast on my phone, dress for the weather, make sure no one needs me for the next hour, and I’m ready to run.

But occasionally, despite my enthusiasm, preparation, and “let’s do this” attitude, what should be a good run starts to feel like a disaster. My mojo disappears. My legs feel like I’m wading through molasses. I slow to a walk and wonder if I should turn around. Even worse, I’m tempted to just lay down on the hard, cold sidewalk and feel extra sorry for myself. I know I’m not alone in this scenario. Sometimes a good run just goes wrong.

I can cobble together dinner by serving mediocre sandwiches, but how do you salvage a run that’s slowly imploding on you?

I asked other BAMRs what they do when their runs begin to turn in the wrong direction. Their responses left me delighted and energized. I noticed four basic themes: distraction, self-talk, adjust, and reach out.  

when runs go bad

Melissa T. says, “I think about what kind of funny caption I can use for an Instagram post. It distracts and entertains me to come up with ways to describe my crappy run.”

Erin W. suggests smiling. “That usually helps. If not, I do ladders because then it keeps my mind busy for a good period of time.”

Alana R. channels her inner Kimmy Schmidt, who famously said, “I can do anything for 10 seconds.”

There’s really nothing complicated or fancy about distraction. It can be as basic as Katie O’s strategy: “I count to 100.” Boom! Anyone can do that.

“On really, really hard runs,” says Kelyn C., “I have to switch to mean drill sergeant. I think, ‘All right, bitch, you’ve got this! Keep going! You’re stronger than this!’”

Lisa W. uses self-talk to remind herself about her priorities. “I tell myself this is my time. This is the 45 minutes I’ve given myself. This is the only time I can do this today, and I am already here.” It’s hard to argue with that.

Cleary J. adds, “My mantra for years and years has been ‘better, faster, stronger.’ I know that every step I take brings one or all of those to fruition. I focus on and repeat those words.”

Cathy in her favorite blue New Balance running shoes on the left.

Lindsey F. turns a bad run into fun. “I play games with myself. Run to that tree then do 10 butt kicks. Run to the stoplight and do karaoke crossovers. Get to the corner before the light changes or you have to do 10 squats.”

Anne M. agrees. “Be flexible and adjust goals! My recent tempo run was horrible from the first mile repeat. I stopped, slowed my heart, and adjusted expectations. It got me through the rest of the repeats!”


Mary L. says, “If it’s going badly because of my headspace, I stop, walk, and call someone I trust to talk it out. Then I can keep going after it’s out of me.”

Cynthia V. practices the same tactic. “I phone a friend. Literally. I call my BRFs near and far for pep talks or to just help pass the time.”

I will continue to botch dinner recipes, and I will continue to struggle through challenging workouts. But these tips give me plenty of ways to save a run when I’m tempted to wave the white flag of surrender.

It’s a good reminder that when I set out to do hard things, having a few tricks up my sleeve when runs go bad can help me navigate my way through the difficult parts.

And I always have a back up loaf of bread for sandwiches.

You tell us: What do YOU do when runs go bad?

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The Weekly Roundup: Your Go-To Guide For Everything You May Have Missed This Week & More! 11/7-11/13

Welcome to Ben Greenfield's Weekly Roundup and Cool New Discoveries! Ben Greenfield's discoveries, from the latest news on the fronts

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#442: Three Women Runners Share Their Epic-for-Them Races

Sarah and Dimity gab with three gals who did epic-for-them races this year. Hear how:
-Kelly climbed 2,200’ in the aptly named High Knob Hellbender 10K;
-Kelly is still poised to run 40+ races this (wacky) year to mark her 40th birthday;
-heat and humidity at January’s Disney World Marathon didn’t wilt Christine;
-one of Kristie’s reasons for running her first ultra was “an excuse to get out of the house!”

In the intro, Dimity details her epic undertaking—an Ironman triathlon in 2013; the first guest joins the show at 17:57.

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

How To Meditate In One Minute, Getting Over “Poser Syndrome,” Why Guys Like Porn, The 6 Phases Of Manhood & Much More With John Eldredge.

John Eldredge is a bestselling author, counselor, and teacher. He is also president of Ransomed Heart, a ministry devoted to

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from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/2Is2IhW
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The Ultimate Guide to Keto Sweeteners

What are the best sweeteners for the keto diet? Check out this comprehensive guide to baking with sugar substitutes, and learn how to get the taste and texture you crave! Today, my keto friends, I am imparting some of my vital knowledge and deep wisdom about using keto sweeteners. We will discuss all of their...

from All Day I Dream About Food https://ift.tt/32Ckoyx
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Keto Roasted Pumpkin Soup

This creamy roasted pumpkin soup is the perfect fall comfort food. Rich and flavorful, it’s a great side dish or snack for the holiday season. Sometimes I forget that pumpkin is delicious in savory recipes. There are so many wonderful keto pumpkin recipes out there, but most of them tend to be on the sweet...

from All Day I Dream About Food https://ift.tt/3kdcBgx
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Everything Bagel Hummus

Everything bagel hummus has all the flavor of an everything bagel, but in hummus form! You are going to love this for snacking or as a flavorful addition to your sandwiches! This everything bagel hummus is made with just 5 ingredients in just 2 minutes! You are not going to believe how simple this dip...

Read More

The post Everything Bagel Hummus appeared first on Bites of Wellness.

from Bites of Wellness https://ift.tt/38tEXRt
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CBD For Sleep: Why Your Endocannabinoid System Is A Notoriously Unaddressed Key To Optimizing Sleep (And Methods For Supporting It Naturally).

As I've written quite a bit about in the past, there's a whole heckuva lot you can do to give

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from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/3nbbWxT
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Spinach Artichoke Baked Chicken

baked chicken with spinach and artichokesThis is essentially a delicious hot spinach artichoke dip with chicken baked right into it. It’s your favorite app turned ...

from Andie Mitchell https://ift.tt/35eqqqL
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Your thoughts..

It is what you think. You must think positive beginning right now. No matter where you’re at. If you’re overweight or can’t walk well, you can do something about it.

But unless you think you can, you never will.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you as long as you’re on the path going forward….

from North Carolina Girl https://ift.tt/2Ic9cSh
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Dry Martini: Run a Fast Mile

Every few years, it appears that I need to relearn the “you never know what you can do until you try” lesson. This may be the one true constant in my life. Well, that and never being able to pluck every last chin hair. 

The last two times I really pushed myself was training for and finishing the New York City marathon in 2016, then setting a half-marathon PR at Wineglass in 2018. Ever since I checked "sheer endurance" and "speed+endurance" off of my Can I Do It list, my only real goal has been to run 13.1 miles in every state in the U.S. 

While I remain totally on-board with that scheme — only 38 states left! — the pandemic is harshing that buzz. My coach floated the idea of using this time to focus on mile time trial. To which I said: sure. Why not?

Given how we've all been safer at home for quite some time now, my neighbors have really upped their sidewalk art game.

Initially, the plan was to built up some speed and run it in September. But with dropping my oldest off at college and other life stuff, my enthusiasm and mental capacity for intervals and strides was non-existent. Fortunately, by the end of the month, my get-up-and-go was back.

I spent most of October mixing speed-work into my running routine and hit the track on Mondays. And while the paces were hard, they weren’t so hard as to be demoralizing. I can run a 9:30 lap or two but it takes a good mantra that I borrowed from Oiselle (Head Up, Wings Out) to remind me to pick up my cadence rather than rely on a longer stride. 

It also takes a lot of Beyonce. 

After four weeks of light, fast feet, the morning of my fast mile came. With it came high wind warnings, blowing snow, and an achy hip. Late October in these parts can be fickle and my body continues to age. This is another lesson I need to keep learning.

Rather than stop thinking about all of it and just go, I started to bargain. I could wait and do it tomorrow, when weather conditions would be even worse. Or I could put it off until the afternoon, which would really just give myself more time to find better excuses. Another option was to just run easy, you know, because of the weather and the hip and the wind. 

Or I could just suck it up and do the thing, just like I’d done for all of my speedier runs, each one of which I tried to talk myself out of and each one of which I conquered. So I dug out my gloves and went.

Just before I put the pedal to the metal.

My warm-up was the three-quarters-of-a-mile to the high school track. I took one lap of the track — roughly a quarter mile — to do some high knees and strides. All of my aches left the building once I was warmed up. Then I took a deep breath, blinked some snowflakes out of my eyes, and hit the lap button. 

I started my first lap way too fast. While I can run a 9:15 pace, I can’t actually sustain it for more than 400 meters. I held a few of my horses and shot for a 10:30-10:45 pace, which seemed to be about what I could do this day.

That’s where I stayed for laps two and three. They were hard, mind, but I wasn’t dying. Plus, Lizzo had my back.

When I started lap four, I picked it up a little. For the last 200 meters, I ran as fast as I could, which at that point wasn’t super fast but just a itty-bit faster than before. 

I looked at my Garmin after it beeped: 10:21. This, my friends, is the fastest I have ever run a mile. And I did it despite the wind and the snow and the hip. I did it even though I didn’t think I could.

So maybe this is the time for you, too, to find a way to surprise yourself by trying something that is just outside of your comfort zone. Make it hard, but not impossible. And don’t let yourself be distracted by all of your own excuses. 

So what will it be?

Adrienne Martini writes about more than running. Her most recent book is Somebody's Gotta Do It: Why Cursing at the News Won't Save the Nation but Your Name on a Local Ballot Can.

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Monday, November 9, 2020


Everything is a decision. Choosing to not decide is a decision. Waiting for divine intervention only works AFTER you’ve decided. Choose something. If you don’t know what to choose, ask for clarity, once you’re given the information, choose.

#choice #choose #day1

#protein #mind

from North Carolina Girl https://ift.tt/36mfIxs
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[Transcript] – The Wizard Of Essential Oils Strikes Again: The Hidden & Magical World Of Little-Known Plant Extracts For Digestion, Relaxation, Libido, Immunity & Much More!

From Podcast: https://ift.tt/3eC3aGb [00:00:00] Introduction [00:01:45] Podcast Sponsors [00:04:20] Guest Introduction [00:08:37] Upgraded Sauna Experience with Essential Oils [00:12:20] Enhanced

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Hello again

I am so sorry it has been forever since I have posted. Please forgive me. It has been a long many months for me and you.

Back in March the nursing facility where I work, we had the first case of covid-19 mania in my area. Not only did we have to lock down everything but we lost about 50 patients and then we had like 70 that were infected. We were on the news every night with it so of course we had all that that goes along with being new to something that nobody knows anything about.

A lot of people scared. Including me.

When we found out about our building having covid-19 we had 39 people quit on the spot that first day including 3 receptionists!

Two of the people in the front office with me contracted it and so it turned out to be me and another person doing the front office, the receptionist and the screening because we had to lock the doors. I did a lot of overtime. In the middle of March is when we found out about this.

So I was working 12-hour days 7 days a week. In the middle of April my right knee just gave out it couldn’t deal with the getting up into getting down to answer the door every day all day long. So in my two years of working there, I took a half a day off to go get a shot directly into my knees and it felt wonderfully well. But since then my knees have gave me trouble they’ve been very stiff.

Well some good news, I’m still sober. I am now two years in a couple of days over with being clean and sober which makes me very very happy. And it makes my husband very very happy.

Since all the stuff with covid-19. So it’s just been my husband myself and my dog. I miss seeing my friends who play in the band we used to go see them each and every weekend but I haven’t seen them at all either.

But I think I’m doing okay. I really haven’t been watching what I’ve been eating like I should have and something happened like a week or so ago and I said you know I really need to do something about my knees.

They will not give me a TKR unless my BMI is down. So it’s one thing or another. Either I’m going to have a bad quality of life and continue hobbling around with a cane on my bad days or I’m going to do something about my weight and get my surgery.

Needless to say I’m doing something about it. I don’t feel ashamed or anything because I’ve been there done that it is what it is. I can’t focus on what I did or what I didn’t do. I have to focus on what I can do.

But I hope you can forgive me for not writing and keeping in touch. I guess I just needed to take time away from it. I know this covid-19 is making a mockery of people’s lives including mine.

I get tested weekly for the Cove and thank the Lord its been 17 weeks straight with none so far and I’m hoping that will continue.

I still love my job. I’ve learned a lot in fact my supervisor is leaving in 2 weeks to go to another place to work and I was doing her job for 4 months the summer so it won’t be nothing new except I won’t be getting paid for it haha.

So thank you for reading. And thank you for just being you. If you voted thank you. And if you are believing in yourself today thank you. If you’re still trying.

Thank you

#covid #weightloss #TKR


#dontgiveup #believe

#badknees #overweight #protein #lowcarb #noprocesssed

from North Carolina Girl https://ift.tt/3eC9BZV
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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sabbath Ramblings: Armor.

You may be wondering why I chose to adorn this post with an image of a kneeling medievalesque warrior knight

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from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/38jGoBT
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Keto Gingerbread Blondies

Chewy keto blondies with a kick of ginger and studded with sugar-free chocolate chips. An easy and delicious keto holiday dessert recipe. This post is sponsored by ChocZero. I’m kind of a gingerbread freak and I make no apologies for that. I simply love that deep spicy flavor, and all of the nostalgic feelings it...

from All Day I Dream About Food https://ift.tt/32rUAFc
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Friday, November 6, 2020

[Transcript] – The Official CBD FAQ: Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know About CBD, Combining Psychedelics With Cannabinoids, Smokeable Ayahuasca, Microdosing With Plant Medicine & Much More!

From podcast: https://ift.tt/3mShr4q [00:00:00] Introduction [00:01:02] Podcast Sponsors [00:03:24] Guest Introduction [00:07:04] Adam in The Realm of Fitness and Spirituality

The post [Transcript] – The Official CBD FAQ: Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know About CBD, Combining Psychedelics With Cannabinoids, Smokeable Ayahuasca, Microdosing With Plant Medicine & Much More! appeared first on Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice.

from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/2TZmeVl
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The Weekly Roundup: Your Go-To Guide For Everything You May Have Missed This Week & More! 10/31-11/6

Welcome to Ben Greenfield's Weekly Roundup and Cool New Discoveries! Ben Greenfield's discoveries, from the latest news on the fronts

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from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/3eAIGxp
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#441: How to Beat Mental Exhaustion

Sarah and Amanda speak with Dr. Alice Boyes, a former clinical psychologist and author of The Healthy Mind Toolkit, about how to beat mental exhaustion. Dr. Boyes details:

-what the “step-up approach” is—and how to use it to your advantage;
-why replicating your current systems might be better (and easier!) than creating a new system;
-how the adage, “Too busy chasing cows to build a fence,” applies to us all;
-the importance of pleasurable routines in our daily lives; and,
-the “secret resource” for emotional support.

The mother runner duo talks swimming in the intro, with the guest jumping in at 11:06.

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