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Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Goddess of Grief: Getting to the Other Side

Grief is one of the most powerful Goddesses. She swallows your agony and lets it tear her apart. Beautiful birds fly from her belly—each one an insight into life and your power. Grief brings the whole flock to your window, and she waits and waits to reveal universal truths to you. She goes to the depths with you. She rises with you.

“Grief won’t rest until you swallow the medicine she made especially for you, and tell her your story of death… and life.”


  1. Grief messes with your focus. When she’s tap-tap-tapping on the door of your consciousness, it becomes difficult to concentrate. You’re not sure what the priorities are, not sure where to put your attention, and when you do put it somewhere, it slips off easily. Time does not feel fresh, it feels a bit stale. Launching new things feels awkward, subtly inappropriate.
  2. Give yourself space to meander, aimlessly. Aim less. Under achieve. Be confused. As Nietzsche said, “You must have confusion in your heart to give birth to stars.” You are giving birth to a new reality. It takes tremendous resources. Healing hurts before it feels right.
  3. Grief is patient. Grief may operate on a time-release capsule system. She’ll let you be busy and distracted for a long period of time before she descends. She respects survival mechanisms and the necessities. So go ahead and throw yourself into work or hobbies. Just know that…
  4. Denying grief her power squelches your vitality. You can dream and laugh and march on, but until you swallow the bitter tea that Grief has brewed, things won’t be as vibrant or grounded as they could be. And that’s half dead.
  5. Recognize where you are numb. Notice the memories that ouch the most. This is the beginning of response-ability.
  6. Grief crystallizes in your body. The medicine will get stuck in your muscle memory and joints. It needs to circulate and be digested. You have to dance grief to the surface. Stomp. Rock. Stretch. Move without your intellect getting in the way. Keep moving.
  7. Grief thinks scars make for great tattoos. Accept that you’ll never be the same. Trauma marks you. Embrace how much more dimensional you’ve become.
  8. Someone just reminded me, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” (Maya Angelou). Grief needs to hear your story told. Speak it out to a sacred listener. Be witnessed. And then…

Tell a new story—one that includes the description of how you healed.

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Danielle laporteDanielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.”

She is the creator of The Desire Map series—the book has been translated into ten languages, a day planner system, and online courses that over 250,000 people have tapped into. There are 500+ Desire Map Facilitators running programs in 23 countries.

Her podcast, With Love, Danielle, ranked in iTunes’ Top 10 Wellness category. She’s the author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path, and The Fire Starter Sessions: A guide to creating success on your own terms, which also spun off into a coaching curriculum.

Danielle was a book publicist and publishing consultant, and the executive director of a future-studies think tank, studying trends for the likes of the Pentagon and the World Bank. She now speaks at women’s events about consciousness and heart-intelligence, and is a mother to a teenage son.

Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, over 5 million people a month visit DanielleLaPorte.com for her regular #Truthbombs and poetry, and what’s been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.” Her charities of choice are VDay: a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls; and Tree Sisters setting out to “rapidly accelerate reforestation through Nature-based feminine leadership.”

Marianne Williamson refers to Danielle “as a bright light in the modern priestesshood.” Eve Ensler calls her “a force field of energy, wonder, humour, and love.”

She lives in Vancouver, Canada. You can find her on Instagram @daniellelaporte.




The post The Goddess of Grief: Getting to the Other Side appeared first on Wanderlust.

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