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Friday, October 9, 2020

Getting to Know the Girls: Why It's Important to Become More Breast Aware

I never really thought about having my boobs checked until I was in my early twenties. A friend from my hometown posted about having a preventative double mastectomy, we were only 20 [years old], and she had tested positive for the BRCA1 gene. That was the first time I realised that a) breast cancer was something I needed to be more aware of as the proud owner of some C-cups and b) breast cancer isn't just something for us to worry about post-40.

After reading her story, and admiring her for taking control of her life, I decided to speak to my GP about how I could become more breast aware. My family doesn't have a history of breast cancer, but that doesn't mean I'm immune. During my consult, I got my kit off, and for the first time in my life, I really looked at my boobs.

We talked through the shape, the way my nipples looked, what they felt like, and what to keep an eye out for should anything pop up or change. From that day forward, I became much more aware of my girls. I'd routinely feel them up in the shower looking for any new lumps or bumps. Post-shower, I'd drop my towel in front of the mirror and inspect how they were looking. I've even been known to nervously ask boyfriends to "feel this" if I wasn't super sure. So far, I've been lucky enough not to find anything suspicious enough to cause alarm, but you can bet that if I ever do, I'll be off to my GP to get it checked out.

The thing about breast cancer is that despite being the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with 1-in-7 women being diagnosed in their lifetime (and 1-in-675 men), it does have a high survival rate if detected and treated early. That's why getting to know your girls is SO important.

If you're not sure where to start, below are some helpful tips we've pulled together thanks to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Get to Know Your Girls

You don't need to use any special techniques, just start to get to know your boobs during your usual routine like showering, getting dressed, applying body lotion and looking in the mirror. And be sure that you're checking out all the goods, your armpits and up to your collarbones included. Being familiar with the look and feel of your boobs means that you'll easily be able to identify any unusual changes that might pop up. Think new lumps, thickening in the breast - especially if it's only the one - changes to the shape or size of the boob (outside of your usual period-fluctuation) or changes to the shape of the nipple.

Know What They Should Kinda Feel Like (Although No Two Boobs Are the Same!)

While no two boobs are the same (literally), it's important to note how yours look and feel so that you can alert your doctor if you identify any new or persistent changes that are different for you.

Lumps That Aren't Your Bumps

A new lump is one of the most common signs of breast cancer. Lumps that are breast cancers can vary and they can be painless or painful. However, lumps can also be a sign of a benign (non-cancerous) breast condition, so it's important to see your doctor and have it checked out straight away.

When to See a Doctor

It is important to remember that like other parts of our bodies, our boobs will go through changes over time and fluctuate. While most breast changes aren't caused by cancer, if you have noticed any of the above symptoms or changes in your breasts, go see your doctor asap!

It's important to remember that breast awareness does not replace having regular mammograms and other screening tests as recommended by your doctor. All women between 50-74 years should attend regular screening mammograms every two years. You can get them done for free BreastScreen Australia. Women aged 40-49 and 75 years+ are also eligible for free mammograms.

If you have a family history or you are concerned that you may have an increased risk of breast cancer, talk to your GP or local family cancer clinic. Your doctor can help you assess and manage your breast cancer risk and will advise of any additional precautions or screening are required.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/34CXgA2
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Thursday, October 8, 2020

5 Trainers Share the Home Gym Equipment They Can't Live Without

Whether you're new to working out at home or you've been doing it for years, your home gym must be equipped with the right fitness gear to support your goals. Luckily, there's no shortage of home gym essentials to choose from - but therein lies the problem.

Figuring out what workout equipment to buy can be stressful. There's usually limited space for your home gym, so finding the pieces that will push your physical limits without eating into your living space is crucial. POPSUGAR went straight to the experts to solve this dilemma. These are the pieces of equipment personal trainers say are well worth the investment.

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3lmVFFh
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Trick or Treating during a Covid-19 Pandemic – what you need to know

It is a common sight every Halloween to see children dressed up as skeletons and vampires, Trick or Treating in the early hours of the night for goodies. Though obviously not on the same level as the USA, there are still people all around the world looking forward to this spooky night of ghouls and ghosts. Unfortunately, 2020 has already been a bit of a horror show even before Halloween, so don’t expect the celebrations to be huge. Clubs and bars will not be hosting events, as we are still being advised to socially distance. Even with the current guidelines in place, some parents may still be considering taking their children out to knock on doors for treats, and you may be wondering – what are the rules for this?

Here qualified Health Practitioner Sally Henderson from Last Verdict breaks down the info you need for this upcoming spooky festival, as well as some ideas to keep you and your family safe. ‘You may think Halloween may be another casualty of the Coronavirus this year, like many other holidays and celebrations. But it seems countless people are set on celebrating on the 31st, even with all the risks. Maybe because it takes place outdoors, or because it seems safer than a traditional get-together, but there appears to be a lot of people planning on going Trick or Treating with their children this year (80% of Americans asked by the NCA said they plan on going out on Halloween). So, if you are entertaining the idea of going out, it’s good to get all the facts first.’

What the government says

‘Halloween may seem safer than going to a bar or pub, but Governments still state that it’s one of the risker events you can take part in. From mixing with new people, to touching and sharing items, the danger of spreading an infectious disease is high. Experts recommend you spend as little time as possible with people, especially in unnecessary situations – I think even if you’re the biggest Halloween fan in the world, you’ll probably agree that knocking on strangers’ doors for free chocolate is a risk you don’t need to take.’

‘Even with events, rules set by the government still apply, so mixing with over 6 people in a group is forbidden, as is mixing households in some parts of the country, and many of the activities associated with Halloween (parents chatting on the street, stopping off at friends’ houses) will not be allowed. As with our day-to-day lives, it is consideration of others health, and safety first, even when dressed up like Batman.

So, are you allowed out? Yes. Is a traditional Trick or Treat a good idea? Probably not.’

Trick or Treat – the good and the bad

Understandably we all want to get back to our old, normal lives, and putting events and activities on constant hold can be draining, not just for us, but our families too. But boredom shouldn’t lead to complacency, says Sally Henderson, and as with all things, there’s a right and a wrong way to do things. ‘Obviously this year there’ll be no school dances or friends house parties for kids to take part in, but that doesn’t mean they have to be sat at home watching Hotel Transylvania on repeat. Heading outside if done correctly and carefully can work, and although it won’t be totally risk-free, if you follow government guidelines it should be manageable.’

‘The last thing I would suggest doing this year is knocking on strangers’ doors. Not only is it putting you and your family as risk, it’s unnecessarily, putting total strangers and risk too. Even if you think they’ll be ok with you knocking on their door, whether it’s a family friend or grandparents, it’s needlessly unsafe to go and call uninvited on someone’s door for candy! Be safe, keep clear of strangers’, and to stick to you bubbles. If your children are really adamant of Trick or Treating, you could call ahead to a few friends beforehand and make sure that they’re ok with you visiting outside their home and arrange a safe and socially distance alternative. With regards to sweets and chocolate, the safest method would be to buy them yourself, and hand them to your children yourself. And even though scientists believe Covid-19 isn’t transmitted on wrapped food, parents will naturally worry about their children touching something and then putting it in their mouths, so try encourage them to hold off eating it as soon as they get it, and wait until they’re home and have washed their hands.’

The Numbers Game

Halloween isn’t a solitary night, and if you’re going to spend all that time making an outfit, it’s understandable that you want to show it off to your friends. But as Sally Henderson points out, the risk of infection is still rising because of one main reason, and it means groups are out this year. ‘Covid-19 spreads because of people with the virus spend time in the vicinity of someone else. It’s that simple. The more people there are, the easier it will spread. So, if you’re planning on meeting up with a group of parents and their kids for a quick walk around to show off their outfits, I would highly suggest against it.

Can Chocolate wrappers carry the virus?

‘It’s been drummed into us that Covid-19 particles can live on plastic surfaces for up to 3 days, but fortunately most surfaces of sweets and chocolates are relatively small and has less surface area for germs to live. It’s probably a bit of an overkill to wipe and clean every piece of confectionary you get over Halloween, so the most practical way to reduce the threat is to leave them over a 3-day period to die off naturally.

The post Trick or Treating during a Covid-19 Pandemic – what you need to know appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

from Wellbeing Magazine https://ift.tt/33DPZAK
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The One Asana To Get You Focused This Season

We are creatures who do not like change. However, this year has proven that change is the only thing that is certain nowadays. As we move into a new season let’s take a moment to stop and take stock.

Where has Summer gone?

Ok, let’s face it, we are entering into this season and with that we are also going into a new form of ‘normality’ as schools are back again and workplaces are welcoming more and more people back in the office.

As we mostly scrapping and changing our plans there is certainly less that we can control.

So, before this month disappears in a blink of an eye, let’s take a moment and imagine how you want to step into tomorrow?

  • How would it feel to be more focused?
  • How would it feel to feel good every day?
  • How would it feel to start tomorrow knowing that everything is possible?
  • How would you feel if this autumn would be the best part of this year?
  • How would you feel if you could transition with effortless effort and being completely aligned on a mind, body and soul level?

I think you would feel pretty damn AMAZING!

So, let’s do this and amongst all the odds and uncertainty that we have to face, let’s ground ourselves and find a moment every day to connect back to who we are. With deep, nourishing breaths, and mindful movements as that is the only thing that we can certainly do.

It is time to shake off what held you back in the past and find your flow to start creating conscious actions towards your big dreams! For the shake off, I suggest putting your favourite music on and dancing your heart out. And to get the most out of the rest of 2020 you can choose to get focused, and committed.

Mindful movement linked to mindful breath can help you get grounded and make the most out of the next few months.

Reverse Warrior is one of my favourites.

Reverse W

I love this pose because it is grounding and empowering at the same time.

There is an unstoppable force in a strong and calm warrior that is rooted firmly into the ground but rises high with elegance and pride. We gaze with intention and we focus with softness.

According to the yogic teachings “Reverse Warrior teaches us to stand strong on our mats, just as we strive to stand strong in the highest, most benevolent truth of who we are. And as we gaze upward, as if toward our potential, we also reach back for support; we are thus encouraged to call upon the tools we need to navigate the inner realms of ego.”

So after your dance party, take a few moments to set up your pose. Take a wide stance. Bend the front knee in line with front toes if possible. Keep the back leg rooted, straight and strong. Switch on glutes. Lift naval up. Chest lifted. Torso in the center. Arms wide, gaze in line with the fingertips of the front arm. As you lift the front arm up, try and shift the gaze too. For an extra challenge, try and lift the front heel off the ground. Stay here for 5 deep, long, full breaths.

Then switch sides.

In my personal practice as a teacher, Reverse Warrior helps me concentrate with all my senses. It helps me get focused and become open to all possibilities through creating space in my side body and in my hips.

Give it a go on both sides and comment below how it goes.

With love as always,

Rita Cox


Rita Cox has been experimenting with different yoga and movement styles including yoga, crossfit and calisthenics since 2015. She has been trained with many worldwide known teachers that helped her find her passion within the combination of yoga and mindset priming techniques. She is passionate about mental, physical and physiological wellbeing and has great interest in post-traumatic stress disorder as well as post-traumatic growth. She is keen to bring versatile classes and teachings to reach your true potential. Her bundles of energy will empower you on and off the mat. Her unique approach has transformed many lives over the past years.

Watch the 20-minute flow with Rita – a quick Vinyasa Sequence that opens up and strengthens the body and the mind.

Follow Rita on Instagram and check out her work on the website.


The post The One Asana To Get You Focused This Season appeared first on Wanderlust.

from Wanderlust https://ift.tt/3d8850K
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Dr. Matt Cook & Ben Greenfield Get Put In The Hot Seat: Favorite Books, Best Anti-Stress Tactics, Pig-Based Nootropics, Best Billboard Advice & Much More!

He's back! Not only is one of my most popular guests of all time, Dr. Matt Cook, back on today's

The post Dr. Matt Cook & Ben Greenfield Get Put In The Hot Seat: Favorite Books, Best Anti-Stress Tactics, Pig-Based Nootropics, Best Billboard Advice & Much More! appeared first on Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice.

from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/3iNmVv2
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Top 6 Designer Wedding Sherwanis for the Perfect Groom

You want to look nothing but dapper on your wedding day. You walk miles before you nod to the best wedding sherwani that brings charm to your personality. You search through every nook and corner to decide on your wedding décor. However, it all starts with choosing the right sherwani for the perfect groom.

Let us take you through a few men’s wedding sherwani designs that are trend-worthy and could save you the legwork.

Pastel Sherwani

Pastels stay in vogue whatever the case. Make an entry donning a soothing pastel sherwani that is sure to turn all heads to you. It depends on you to consider baby blue, peach, pistachio green, or the trendy suave pink. Pastel shades bring a modish touch to your outfit, and you exude elegance wearing it. Keep the day fun with complementing accessories.

Floral Print Sherwani

Men have evolved their style by including floral prints in their wardrobe. Take an edge over your pals and don a floral print sherwani at your wedding. You’re sure to earn laurels for your choice – from your friends and specifically from the bride. Choose the colours and pattern that makes you look comfortable yet stylish.

Embroidered Sherwani

Royalty speaks for itself! Wearing an embroidered sherwani on your wedding can make you feel elated. The richness comes from its fabric and elegant colours. There’s more! You can accessorize your outfit with the best of jewels, turban, and pocket square. And, you complement your bride’s ensemble by pairing in similar shades. Does that make you the perfect couple already?

Jodhpuri Sherwani

How about taking your wedding vows in a traditional Jodhpuri sherwani? All the glitters surround you with sparkling gems and jewels. Not to mention, the grace of the sword around your waist. Wait, there’s more – you can choose from a variety of shades that perfect the royalty element. And, a complementing turban changes the style game altogether. This is your day to stand out as a dapper groom.

Indo-western Sherwani

If you’re looking to buy men’s sherwani, pay heed to the indo-western collection for sure. This ethnic wear lets you experiment with your outfit choices. Indo-western sherwani boasts broad scope, and you can consider it for several wedding functions. The market is flooded with suave styles and colours in the range of dhoti and kurta. You should look that perfect groom on whom the girls have got a crush.

Velvet Shawl

Not just kings, but the grooms are also profuse in decorating their wardrobe with velvet shawls. Be it your wedding day or other grand celebrations; you accentuate your look wearing a velvet shawl. If you haven’t tried it yet, your wedding day is the perfect occasion to make it the outfit of the day. Just go for it!

Now you know what to wear on your wedding day. You can mix and match these options to create the perfect outfit you have in mind. And if you’re still juggling between the designs and prices, let Readiprint Fashions help you out. You can buy wedding sherwanis and other wedding outfits at friendly prices. It’s your day, and only the groom gets to decide his wedding ensemble.

The post Top 6 Designer Wedding Sherwanis for the Perfect Groom appeared first on Readiprint Fashions Blog.

from Readiprint Fashions Blog https://ift.tt/2SCIDXS
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Keto Cornbread

A delicious skillet keto cornbread that tastes like the real deal! Add crumbled bacon and chopped jalapeño for an amazing taste sensation. This post is sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill. I first posted this keto cornbread recipe back in 2015. Time for an update to make it lower in carbs and just as tender and...

from All Day I Dream About Food https://ift.tt/2GHGPdo
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Do It For the Girls: Shop the Brands Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting Australian women. In 2020 alone it's predicted that 19,998 women (and 170 men) will be diagnosed with breast cancer*. That's a lot!

While it's important to check your boobs year 'round, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, so we shine an extra special light on it in order to remind everyone (women and men!) to Check. Their. Breasts!

It is important to remember that while most people survive breast cancer, (in 2011-2015 that number was 90.8 percent*) many of us are affected by it and every small donation counts. As a show of support, many brands release limited edition goodies and donate percentages of products sold to breast cancer charities across Australia.

Below, we've rounded up a handful of products you can buy this month knowing that a good portion goes towards breast cancer research and helping those affected by it.

(Source*: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019. Cancer data in Australia.)

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3nrmr0Y
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Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix

Perfectly seasoned, Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix is easy, quick and oh so good! Reach for this seasoning mix knowing all the ingredients right inside.

Ranch dressing mix is so versatile and can be used in so many ways from Café Rio’s Cilantro Ranch Dressing to Slow Cooker Ranch Mashed Potatoes. You will reach for this again and again. Homemade is always better!Homemade Ranch Seasoning mix in a jar with a tablespoon lifting up some of the ranch dressing mix.

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix

When you look at the ingredients of a ranch mix or dressing, you’ll always find things in it you can’t pronounce or perhaps isn’t sure what it is. Change that and make your own Ranch Mix, it’s even better than the store bought mix and healthier, since you’ll know exactly what’s in it.

When you see how easy this is you’ll never buy the store mix again. You probably have most of the ingredients already sitting in your pantry. You will love how much you can do with it. Not only does it make the most delectable dressing and dip but you can add it anywhere you want that tangy rich ranch flavor. Keep it handy for all occasions. Your family and friends will love it. Once you’ve had Homemade Ranch Seasoning you’ll never go back, it’s just that noticeably different and amazing.

Ranch Mix Ingredients

This contains just herbs and buttermilk powder mixed together. The ingredients are so simple and comes together quickly and easily!

  • Buttermilk Powder: This is a dry substance that will enhance the creaminess in the ranch.
  • Dried Parsley and Dried Dill: Both of these seasonings have so much flavor.
  • Garlic Powder and Onion Powder: Together they blend well and add to the ranch once made.
  • Dried Chives: A hint of zest from the onion stalk that is hidden throughout the mixture.
  • Salt and Pepper: Just a pinch will go a long way!

Making Ranch Seasoning

This is so easy, there’s nothing to it! Mix together, store in a sealed jar and get ready to use often.

  1. Combine Ingredients: In a small bowl whisk all the ingredients together until completely combined.
  2. When Making Ranch: 3 Tablespoons is equivalent to one dry packet of ranch mix.

Ranch Dressing Recipe

If making ranch dressing whisk together 1/2 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup mayonnaise and 3/4 cup milk. Store in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days long.

The Recipe Critic Pro Tip:

If you want your “chunky” herbs to be smaller, mix this in a food processor to make it fine and even.

Making Homemade Ranch Seasoning with the seasonings in different bowls.

What is Buttermilk Powder?

Buttermilk powder can be found in the baking section of most grocery stores. Be sure to pick yours up today to make this delicious homemade ranch seasoning!

  • Buttermilk Powder: So it’s exactly what you think it is, dehydrated Buttermilk in powder form and it’s awesome stuff
  • Uses: This can be used in anything you use buttermilk for and it keeps for months. Use in waffles, pancakes and biscuits.
  • Refrigerate: Because it is a dairy, once you open the container and once you mix up this seasoning you will NEED to store it in the fridge.
  • Find it: Look for Buttermilk powder in the baking isle near the powdered milk, and evaporated milk.

Tips and Uses of Ranch Mix

Need more reasons to make this and keep it around, here’s a list for you.

  • Add: Great use for flour dredge when making chicken, beef or fish.
  • Sprinkle: Enhance your popcorn, roasted potatoes or veggies by sprinkling over top.
  • Mix: Create a delicious bread by melting butter and brush on bread sticks, French Bread, or toast.
  • Add: Mix it in butter on the outside of toasted cheese sandwiches.
  • Use: In pasta, potato, chicken and even Mexican dishes to add extra zing.

Storing Ranch Seasoning

This mix is quick and easy to make that storing it is a simple step to ensuring its freshness. Simply add the seasoning to a sealed jar or container. 3 Tablespoons is the same as a ranch dry seasoning packet from the store. This seasoning will last about 3 months in a sealed jar stored in a dry, cool area. This does not need to be refrigerated.

A glass bowl filled with all the seasonings.

More Ranch Inspiration

So many ways to use this amazing mix, here are a few places you can begin.


Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix

Perfectly seasoned, Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix is easy, quick and oh so good!
Course Dressing, Seasoning
Cuisine American
Keyword homemade ranch, homemade ranch seasoning mix, ranch, ranch seasoning mix
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 3 Tablespoons
Calories 92kcal
Author Alyssa Rivers


  • 1/2 cup buttermilk powder
  • 1 Tablespoon dried chives
  • 1 Tablespoon dried parsley
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper


  • In a small mixing bowl whisk together buttermilk powder, chives, parsley, dill, garlic, onion, salt and pepper.
  • Add the seasoning to a sealed jar or container for proper storing.


3 Tablespoons powder is the equivalent to one packet dry ranch mix.
If making ranch dressing whisk together 1/2 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup mayonnaise and 3/4 cup milk.


Calories: 92kcal | Carbohydrates: 13g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 14mg | Sodium: 885mg | Potassium: 373mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 10g | Vitamin A: 100IU | Vitamin C: 3mg | Calcium: 255mg | Iron: 1mg

from The Recipe Critic https://ift.tt/30Le4Ua
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Justin Bieber Has Designed a Pair of Limited Edition Crocs

Crocs, fashion’s most polarizing shoe brand, has found yet another fan – this time in the form of Justin Bieber. The Canadian musician – who revealed in a release that he is a big fan of the brand – has teamed up with the footwear company to design a limited-edition pair of its Classic Clog.

The Bieber collab is the latest in a string of high-profile team-ups for Crocs, having previously worked with fashion brands Christopher Kane and Balenciaga, as well as Post Malone and Bad Bunny.

Bieber took his inspiration from his fashion line Drew House, reimagining the clog in the brand’s signature yellow hue and adorning it with eight custom charms, called Jibbitz, including the brand’s smile logo, as well as pizza slices, rainbows, flowers and more.

justin bieber crocs
Photograph courtesy of Crocs

In a release, Bieber said of the collaboration, “As an artist, it’s important that my creations stay true to myself and my style. I wear Crocs all the time, so designing my own pair came naturally. With these Crocs, I just focused on making something cool that I want to wear.”

The Grammy Award winner first teased the collab on Instagram last week, sharing an image of the shoes floating in a pool with the caption “Soon.” In a indication of the ensuing popularity of the collection, shares for Crocs rose 13 per cent that day – the highest one-day surge for the brand since 2007, Bloomberg reports. He then officially confirmed the collaboration today, sharing a video on IG of a pair of shoes that looked real but turned out to be cake. In the video, Biebs said he’s been “wearing Crocs since the beginning of time.”

View this post on Instagram

10/13 #JBxCrocs @crocs

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

The Justin Bieber x Crocs shoes, priced at USD$59.99, will launch on October 13 and will be available via the Crocs website, as well as TheHouseOfDrew.com.

The post Justin Bieber Has Designed a Pair of Limited Edition Crocs appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine https://ift.tt/30I0CAy
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Best Exercise Bike for Tall Person: User’s Guide & Reviews

When picking out the right stationary bike it can take some time to find the right features, especially if you are a tall person.

Whether looking for an upright or a recumbent exercise bike, people around or above 6 feet tall should look for products that offer full adjustability and an appropriate distance between the seat, pedals, and handlebars.

Trying to find the right specifications to fit your height can sometimes be overwhelming, so we’ve prepared this useful buyer’s guide and a review of the best indoor bikes for tall people available on the market right now.

The post Best Exercise Bike for Tall Person: User’s Guide & Reviews appeared first on Be Healthy Now.

from Be Healthy Now https://ift.tt/2SBO09C
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Montreal-based Designer Sophie Theallet Talks Wardrobe Staples and Starting Again

Since leaving the bustling New York fashion scene and her much-celebrated eponymous brand behind several years ago, Sophie Theallet – whose designs have been worn by the likes of Michelle Obama, Jada Pinkett Smith, Kate Winslet and Meghan Markle – has settled into a new life with a new line based in Canada.

“Being in Montreal and doing Room 502, I’ve found freedom again,” she says of her rekindled sense of purpose and ease­, one that informs the wardrobe staple-centric label that she launched with partner Steve Francoeur last year.

Room 502, which is named after the number of the apartment the couple shared in Manhattan’s infamous Chelsea Hotel during the ’90s, introduced a new six-piece limited edition collection, titled Series 2, this summer. The range of garments includes a Nehru collared shirtdress named after famed choreographer and dancer Blanca Li, and a poet-style blouse that comes in both a printed and solid black fabric. Imbued with a presence of sensitivity–these aren’t the hype-driven looks that many designers are expected to pump out each season–Room 502’s offerings certainly speak to the time we’re living in, and lend a practical but considered touch to one’s closet.

montreal brand
Photography courtesy of Room 502.

“It’s about making sure that every time you buy something, you’re going to keep that piece for a long time,” says Theallet of what influences Room 502’s designs. “It’s not a fashion statement, it’s not about being trendy. I believe in fashion that’s more like a uniform. Something that you wear but you don’t think about too much. [But] you know when you wear it, you’re going to feel good and you’re going to feel strong.”

Given the roster of clients that she’s counted over the years at both her previous brand and Room 502, Theallet knows a thing or two about dressing strong women. And her early career working alongside icons like Jean Paul Gaultier and Azzedine Alaïa not only instilled the power of dressing within her, but also the importance of craft and conscientiousness.

It was during her time as Alaïa’s “right hand” that she met Maximiliano Modesti, a fashion entrepreneur and founder of the Kalhath Institute in Mumbai. The Institute focuses on educating artisans in traditional craft techniques like wood-blocking and embroidery, and features an incubation centre and offers an artist residency program as well.

montreal brand
Photography courtesy of Room 502.

“It preserves the savoir faire of Indian craft,” Theallet notes of the Institute’s important endeavour as she elaborates on why Room 502’s pieces are created in collaboration with Kalhath’s craftspeople. “I want to do collections with people that I respect and love,” she says, adding that an emphasis on ethical practices isn’t new to her work. “In my former label, I used beautiful pure fabrics like cotton and silk. I love using fabrics that come from little batches.” Carrying on this mindful way of working, Room 502’s collections feature Fair Trade certified fabrics, production and labour.

Theallet and Francoeur’s conviction when it comes to making clothing with purpose is also evident in Room 502’s philanthropic angle; a portion of sales from the brand go to Epic, a New York-based non-profit that works with disadvantaged youth around the world. “It was an easy choice for us to give to Epic,” says Francoeur. “It gives a chance to [young] people who had a bad start.”

This likely resonates in another way for he and Theallet, as they are also getting a second chance at happiness and fulfillment with their move to Montreal. “Being in the industry in New York with my old brand, I had obligations to produce so many collections,” Theallet says of fashion’s traditionally fast-paced way functioning. “It was too much; you don’t have any time to live anymore. You just work, work, work. And at the end, you don’t have a lot in exchange.”

Now, in addition to working on Room 502, Theallet says she meditates every morning and makes time for daily walks through the mountain. “I listen to music – everything from Tibetan monks chanting to jazz and Jimi Hendrix – I read, I write,” she says of her more positively-structured schedule, which also includes space for artistic pursuits like sculpting and painting. “I’ve never been this productive,” she notes. “[And] I’m doing things I’ve never tried before.”

montreal brand
Photography courtesy of Room 502.

That element of novelty – that is, the opportunity for designers to forge a unique, personal and healthier path ahead in the fashion world – is increasingly cropping up in the industry at-large, too. Although COVID-19 has thrown aspects of its usual operations into flux, Theallet chooses to think promisingly, rather than pessimistically, about the future of fashion. And she highlights the fact that large conglomerates like Kering affording its brands the opportunity to break from the traditional promotional cycle as a point of positive change.

“What are we going to do with where we are,” she muses about how COVID has further implemented a much-needed bubble burst of fashion’s fixation with celebrity and continual output – one that she says erased a lot of creativity, and created a lot of burnout. “COVID is something that happened now, but what was happening before COVID in fashion – it’s been a long time that the industry was going in a bad direction.”

It’s very possible that fellow creatives will look to Theallet’s current calling for inspiration as they too move forward; and those interested in further pearls of wisdom from her and fellow fashion veteran, Veronica Webb, can tune into an upcoming talk between the two via the Alliance Française, scheduled for November 12. “We’ll be speaking about her time in Paris,” says Theallet, who met the model while she was working with Alaïa in a most heady millieux.

But if there’s one take-away Theallet could offer to the weary world now – one decidedly different from the glamour of Paris couture or New York’s persistent buzz – it’s that she’s fostered resilience and a new perspective by taking a step back, taking stock, and stepping ahead in her own direction. “I’m busy in the way I want to be busy,” she says. Who could ask for anything more?

The post Montreal-based Designer Sophie Theallet Talks Wardrobe Staples and Starting Again appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine https://ift.tt/34Ao8AI
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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sugar-Free Perfectly Sweet and Tender Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffins - Just 61 Calories!

If you're trying to cut down on processed sugar, use the natural sweetness of apples to your advantage! These apple cinnamon oatmeal muffins are sweetened with just-picked apples, applesauce, and banana, resulting in a perfectly moist, vegan muffin you can enjoy for breakfast, snack, or dessert. No sweeteners needed!

This recipe is made with whole wheat flour, oats, and flaxmeal for added fibre, making these tender muffins super filling. They're delicious on their own, with a little sugar-free jam, or my personal favourite - smeared with this homemade pumpkin spice cashew butter.

This recipe makes 15 muffins, but you can double the batch to freeze for later. When you want a muffin, just pop one out of the freezer and microwave for 20 seconds. For just 61 calories, you can enjoy a few for a snack or have a couple with your breakfast smoothie. You won't miss the sugar at all!

Sugar-Free Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffins

Jenny Sugar, from POPSUGAR


  1. 1 tablespoon flaxmeal
    3 tablespoons water
    1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (I used Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almond and Cashew Milk)
    1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
    2 bananas
    2 small apples peeled and finely chopped (1 1/2 packed cups)
    1/3 cup applesauce (I used one of those little cups that come in the six-pack)
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
    1 cup rolled or quick oats (I used quick oats)
    1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)


  • Preheat oven.
  • In a small bowl, mix together the flaxmeal and water and set aside for a few minutes to thicken.
  • In a small bowl or measuring cup, whisk together the non-dairy milk and apple cider vinegar, and set aside for a few minutes to curdle (this makes vegan buttermilk).
  • In a large bowl, mash the bananas until smooth and creamy. Peel, core, and chop the apples into pea-size pieces. Add them to the bowl with the banana, and add in the applesauce and vanilla. Stir in the flax and milk mixtures.
  • In a medium bowl or mixing cup, mix together the flour, oats, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt.
  • Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix well.
  • Scoop batter into muffin cups and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the muffin comes out clean.

Here's the nutritional information for one muffin from verywell.com.


Calories per serving

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/33CWFih
via babu31

7 Signs That Someone is Good for Your Mental Health…

Finding good quality friends can take time. As adults, there are less social structures to support the idea of finding and developing great friendships, which sometimes lead us down the broken path of hanging out with ‘what’s her face’ just to avoid Friday night loneliness. Although situations like this help void the temporary feels of not having close friends, it’s important to understand that quality friendships are extremely valuable to our mental health.

Our friendships are among the most valuable relationships that we have. Friendships in a more ‘subtle’ term are a transactional agreement, where we gain in various different ways just as much as we give. Our friends can be an outlet that we can use as a support mechanism during times where we cannot share information with the family. Although friendships can put us to the test when we get frustrated that they may not share the same political views as us, we still need them.

Friendships are integral to our mental health. They help protect us from pain, anxiety, stress and other negative emotions that can sometimes overwhelm our bodies. They’re a sounding board that can keep us grounded and can help bring us back down to reality by helping put things into perspective.

Although friendships can take a lot of work and maintenance, we need to invest time and effort into taking care of them because they form one of the foundations of our ability to cope with the problems that life throws at us. Friendships can play a key role in helping someone live with or recover from mental health problems, and or overcome isolation that often can come with it.

But that doesn’t mean we need to sell ourselves short by becoming mates with the next random that walks into our lives. Quality friendships are super important. And just like finding a significant other, it requires deep assessment to investigate whether they’re the kinda pal you wanna trade time with.

So how do you know if they’re the right ‘fit’ for your mental and physical health?

  1. They ask you questions about yourself and listen emphatically to your answers.
  2. They talk comfortably about their inner world and can be emotionally vulnerable.
  3. They’re honest, accountable, are able to admit their mistakes, and follow through on what they say they’ll do.
  4. They can manage their emotions effectively most of the time.
  5. They take good care of themselves mentally, emotionally, and physically.
  6. They are comfortable being alone or being with people.
  7. They can seek, accept, and give help.

Obviously, life can’t always be roses but choosing people who make you feel good about being a better version of yourself are the ones who want the best for you.

from Blog – moxie https://ift.tt/2GGzcnw
via babu31

A Documentary About ’90s Supermodels is Coming to Apple TV+

Christy. Naomi. Linda. Cindy. These names are iconic, so no wonder there’s a documentary about them in the works. The trailblazing supermodels are the subjects of an upcoming docuseries from Apple TV+ that will revisit their modelling careers and disruption of the ’90s fashion scene.

Titled The Supermodels, the series will feature exclusive interviews with Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington, and will be directed by two-time Academy Award-winner Barbara Kopple. The four models will also be executive producing the series, which comes from Brian Grazer and Ron Howard’s Imagine Documentaries.

“My sisters Christy, Linda, Cindy and I are extremely thrilled to share our story with the world and there could be no better partners than Brian Grazer, Ron Howard which is a dream come true to bring it to life, as we knew they would respect and honour our story,” Campbell shared on Instagram. “We hope our journey seen in the docuseries will encourage, motivate and inspire young people around the world.”

Meanwhile Crawford posted: “I’m excited to reunite with my friends to both celebrate and examine the way supermodels transcended the traditional perceptions and limits of modelling in the fashion industry through time.”

“I would love for people to see this as a celebration of not only our individual stories, but also to the power of friendship, dreams and perseverance,” shared Evangelista on Instagram, while Turlington said: “I am looking forward to looking back on this unprecedented time in fashion with these incredible women whom I have grown up with.”

News of the Supermodels docuseries comes after Apple TV+ announced an upcoming documentary about Billie Eilish, which is slated to be released in February 2021. A release date for The Supermodels hasn’t yet been announced, so watch this space for more details.

And in the meantime, check out our roundup of fashion documentaries that you can stream right now.

The post A Documentary About ’90s Supermodels is Coming to Apple TV+ appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine https://ift.tt/34y0EMv
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Skinny Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

These Skinny Pumpkin Snickerdoodle cookies should really come with a warning label, because they are so good and hard to stop at just one!

Skinny Pumpkin Snickerdoodles stacked
Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

A snickerdoodle is a type of sugar cookie made with cream of tartar and rolled in cinnamon sugar. This pumpkin spice version was inspired by my Skinny Snickerdoodles. I wanted to see what would happen if I coated them with pumpkin spice instead, the results were pumpkin spice heaven! More of my favorite pumpkin recipes are Skinny Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Spice No-Bake Cheesecake, and Pumpkin Butterscotch Bars.


The post Skinny Pumpkin Snickerdoodles appeared first on Skinnytaste.

from Skinnytaste https://ift.tt/2Szbv35
via babu31 blog

A Game Of Hoops

The art of embroidery has conventionally been associated with domesticity – the unenticing fate awaiting girls supposedly without other ambitions. While the practice is still a relaxing pastime, a contemporary resurgence is seeing women reclaim that archaic narrative and even quitting more lucrative career paths to take on needlework full-time. We speak to Anuradha Bhaumick, whose visually complex pieces (featured on her Instagram account Hooplaback Girl – yes, a pun on the Gwen Stefani song) represent idyllic scenes from the lives of book lovers like herself

from Verve Magazine https://ift.tt/33BoAPG
via babu31