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Monday, October 5, 2020

Body Positivity Affects Men Too

Over the last couple of years, body positivity emerged as a female-focused movement created to push back against the negative effects of social media — #bodypositivity accumulated over 11.5 million hashtags on Instagram at the end of 2019, showcasing women wearing the outfits that they want, not because they think they have to.

It’s no secret that the media can be damaging. Many have learnt to feel that way through television and media. Think back to when you were a young child and were blissfully unaware of the pressures of looking good, wearing that swimsuit that stuck to your stomach like a second skin and you couldn’t have cared less.

Although the beauty of social media is that we can connect with a diverse group of people from across the world..— constant exposure to what the media presents as the norm can make it difficult for people to accept and love themselves, constantly striving for unrealistic beauty standards.

A growing topic discussed more openly, it’s become apparent that it isn’t just women who are being affected by this. Statistics have shown that men are unhappier with their body image than ever before. And due to the toxic masculine culture that is been purported today, many men are finding it difficult to speak out about their struggles. It’s becoming increasingly important to start a conversation about male body positivity and confidence. Although as mentioned, the Instagram #bodypositivity hashtag has lots of tags, a quick look on the app reveals that there’s only the occasional male taking part.

Male Body Positivity

We have collected data around body positivity and will explore what these suggest about men and women’s attitudes to their own bodies.

26% of men said that they weren’t comfortable with their body — statements were made such as “I would like to be less skinny, only muscular men are portrayed in the media”, “men are always portrayed with six packs in male beauty and grooming adverts”, “I wish I had abs instead of a beer belly”, and “even tiny imperfections on the skin are corrected, which poses unrealistic expectations on both the self-image and desirable partners”.

58% of men stated that they’d like to be a size medium, with 96% of women wanting to be a size small. Although women tend to strive to be smaller sizes, men are often pressured to be muscular.

33% of men agreed that content on social media made them feel negatively about their body in comparison to 72% of women. Although the rate is significantly higher for women, it shows that around a third of men are being negatively affected by what they see online — a further 36% of men believed that they would be more comfortable with their bodies if they weren’t exposed to content on social media, with 56% of women feeling this way too.

Consistent findings have been found around male body image. However, body dissatisfaction likely begins as youngsters, making something ingrained in us at a young age that is harder to shake. Shockingly, a 2016 survey conducted by the BBC found that 55% of boys between the age of eight and 18 said they’d change their diet to improve their body image. The four main sources creating pressure and body dissatisfaction were friends (68%), social media (57%), advertising (53%) and celebrities (49%). Furthermore, over half of the respondents said they’d find it difficult to speak about it.

What Can We Do?

It’s clear that there’s a problem with male body image. So, what can we do to support men and encourage them to open up and feel comfortable in their skin?

Encourage diversity

It is important that we support the movement for diversity and inclusivity. Supporting clothing brands that encompass and purport diversity will encourage other brands to follow suit. For example, online retailer Zalando launched a diversity campaign ‘Free to Be’, encouraging customers to be free in what we wear and look like. Models are used to represent true diversity in ethnicity, gender, backgrounds, size, and shape. The more successful campaigns like this are, the more likely it will become the norm.

Stop making passing comments

We can all sometimes be guilty of passing judgement. As cruel as it sounds, we’ve learned to form judgments on somebody about their appearance to gauge things like their characteristics and personality traits. But if there’s one thing that’s true, it’s not to judge a book by its cover.

‘He’s just a guy, he doesn’t care!’ — this couldn’t be further from the truth. Making little comments and making fun of somebody’s appearance on the assumption that they’ll see the joke is toxic behaviour. Think how you’d feel if somebody made a comment about something you were already self-conscious about. If you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. And we don’t necessarily mean to somebody’s face for a joke. If you’re in a bar or restaurant or walking somewhere with your friend and make a passing comment about a stranger’s weight or appearance, this is contributing to the problem.

Stop following those Instagram influencers

If you find that you follow body inspiration accounts on Instagram, remember to follow influencer accounts wisely. Celebrities in the 21st century have taken the form of Instagram influencers. It’s their job to look a certain way, and while a little style or makeup inspiration is good, don’t worry about looking exactly the same. Everyone’s appearance is unique!

Scrolling through your homepage and seeing numerous portrayals of idealised body images is going to damage your own perceptions of yourself. A large review of data found that platforms like Instagram are a leading contributing factor when it comes to negative thoughts about your body.

The first step to body positivity is self-acceptance. Cut this toxic energy out from your life and view these accounts as inspiration, not rules! Follow your friends, and content that you enjoy that is going to make you happy.  It’s important to remind yourself that what you see on social media isn’t often the truth. Images can be manipulated and edited — it’s likely that the person you’re striving to look like doesn’t even really look like that.

Always remember that you’re beautiful the way you are. You look the way you look because that’s who you are, you aren’t anybody else nor should you look like anybody else. Individualism is one of the most wonderful and important things in life, so embrace every unique aspect about your appearance!

Check up on your loved ones

Creating a supportive dynamic between you and your loved ones is important because it opens up a conversation about trust and honesty. If you feel like your friend is down or is making negative comments about themselves and the way they look, address this and talk. Don’t ignore the signals, encourage them to speak up about how they feel, and be there for them.

We’re certainly making positive steps by raising awareness of the importance of male positivity, making the focus less female-orientated and as a problem affecting society as a whole. Let’s break away from stereotypes and expectations and reinforce positive body images.





The post Body Positivity Affects Men Too appeared first on Wellbeing Magazine.

from Wellbeing Magazine https://ift.tt/3jw9mRP
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[Transcript] – Everything You Need To Know About Whole Body Vibration For Fat Loss, Strength Gains, Cardiovascular Fitness, Stem Cell Production, Growth Hormone, Testosterone & Much More!

From podcast: https://ift.tt/36wzhoC [00:00:00] Introduction [00:01:05] Podcast Sponsors [00:03:38] Guest Introduction [00:06:57] How Ben And Jason Use Vibration Plates At

The post [Transcript] – Everything You Need To Know About Whole Body Vibration For Fat Loss, Strength Gains, Cardiovascular Fitness, Stem Cell Production, Growth Hormone, Testosterone & Much More! appeared first on Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice.

from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/2SqvPDZ
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5 Tips to Eat Well Consistently

I was talking to a friend a few months ago who was feeling tired and just not firing on all cylinders. She said she had a bad case of decision fatigue and felt totally overwhelmed with the many micro-decisions she had to make in a day. This resulted in her not having the space to give any thought to feeding herself or her family well consistently despite knowing better.

She’s a self motivated go-getter, runs a successful business, has four gorgeous kids and is a planning rock star, except when it comes to the food she eats. She always wings it and finds herself shopping daily, making poor choices and just not enjoying cooking because it’s always a scramble. 

I know many of you might relate to her situation so I thought I’d share some of the advice I’ve given her to create sustainable habits that ensure she can reduce her cognitive load around ‘what to cook’ enabling her to eat well consistently

Here’s my 5 Tips to Eat Well Consistently – hopefully they will help you too!

1. Meal Plan

We plan kids activities, social catch ups, work meetings but so few people plan meals. Planning out meals is the very best way to reduce the amount of time you spend in the kitchen. It also reduces trips to the shops, ensures you have a healthy range of food on the menu and minimises food waste (which saves $$). Start slowly and plan 2-3 meals a week to start with and build from there.

The Well Nourished Family membership provides you with done for you and customisable meal plans to suit every families size and tastes. And best of all, every plan generates both printable and digital shopping lists to really minimise your time in the kitchen. CLICK HERE to watch me demonstrate this amazing technology.

2. Get everyone involved

Kids love to help plan. Perhaps you can create themed days – meat-free Monday, Taco Tuesday, Fish Friday. Invite your kids to chose one meal a week to go on the plan. If they pick the same thing every week, you could challenge them to find something new every second week for everyone to try. Put the plan on display so everyone can see what’s on the menu.

The Well Nourished Family membership meal plans can be easily printed and displayed on your fridge.

3. Create a shopping routine

Having a meal plan ensures you spend less time shopping, giving you more time to cook. I’d encourage you to choose one day a week to do the bulk of your shopping. Anything you can do to systemise your food shopping is a huge time saver. I personally shop at my farmers market once a week (bulk of what we eat comes from there). I order flours, nuts, seeds grains etc from The Wholefood Collective every few months.

Place an online supermarket order once every month or so and I order toilet paper to be delivered automatically (from Who Gives a Crap) which was handy when the pandemic toilet paper wars began.

Get a glimpse of the amazing recipes we offer? DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE EBOOK

4. Cook clever

Chose recipes that have simple methods (with no unusual, hard to find ingredients) and that don’t keep you in the kitchen for hours. Slow cooks that can be prepped in minutes then set into the oven or slow cooker and forgotten about are fabulous. 30 minute meals are also handy when you know you won’t have long to cook dinner. Also cook double batches of meals to reheat for the next night or to freeze for another day.

Having leftovers is great for making healthy lunches too. 

5. Meal Prep ahead

If you have a busy week coming up, then taking a few hours over the weekend to get organised. You could prep ingredients or whole meals for the week ahead. Imagine leaving work or coming home from after school sport and dinner is ready to re-heat and enjoy. There’s no better feeling than knowing you’re nourishing yourself and your family well. 

The Well Nourished Family membership provides you with a growing assortment of Meal Prep Plans for both meals and lunchboxes. They are fantastic to follow when you know you have a busy week ahead. They provide you with the menu as well as a flow chart to help you to multitask and spend as little time in the kitchen as possible.

I can take the thought out of what to cook

If you’re a busy mum drowning in decision fatigue, I have created a system that I know will alleviate much of the thought that go into ‘what to cook’.

Helping families to eat well CONSISTENTLY and know the feeling of incredible health has always been my aim here at Well Nourished. However I eventually realised that many of you needed next level support so I created the Well Nourished Family – a membership that takes ALL of the thinking out of what to eat. In the ‘family’ I create meal plans for members every single week (for all seasons no matter where you live in the world).

Plus, we have a growing assortment of done for you Meal Prep and Lunchbox Prep Plans for those busy weeks when you want to meal prep ahead and eliminate meal time (or lunchbox) stress altogether.

The best part is that ALL of the meal plans are full customisable, so members can edit plans or create their own to suit their family size, tastes and dietary requirements. With the very clever inbuilt technology, The Well Nourished Family is your one stop shop for planning and delicious, doable recipes.

If you’d like to be notified when we next open the doors to new members, make sure you register your interest by popping your name on the Waitlist. You’ll also be sent waitlist special offers and some cracking bonus recipes too.

Watch this video for an inside look at some of the meal planning features included in the Well Nourished Family Membership.


from Well Nourished https://ift.tt/2GicsdT
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These Cardio and Strength Instagram Live Workouts Are About to Make You Sweat

If you're into free workout videos like we are, we've got good news: POPSUGAR Fitness is going live with three new workouts this week on Instagram. Tune in and get sweating with HIIT, cardio, and upper-body work, officially streaming on @popsugarfitness starting Monday. Check out the full schedule below, add it to your Google Calendar to stay up to date, and catch up with our previous Instagram Live workouts on the free Active by POPSUGAR app. We'll see you there!

  • 30-Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout With Kick It by Eliza: Monday, Oct. 5, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
  • 20-Minute Upper-Body Workout With Angela Gargano: Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET (equipment recommended: medium dumbbells)
  • 30-Minute LIT Method Workout: Thursday, Oct. 8, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET (equipment recommended: mini band)

from POPSUGAR Health & Fitness https://ift.tt/3jx7Miz
via babu31

Simple Sticky Ginger Chicken

This simple Simple Sticky Ginger Chicken is a really easy to make meal that my whole family loves. The warming spices are fabulous for supporting your immune system and reducing inflammation which is always handy in this modern day world. Take a look at the variations (below the main recipe) for suggestions to alter the…

This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.

from Well Nourished https://ift.tt/3jAPixy
via babu31

Simple Moong Dhal

This is a very traditional style Moong Dhal, the kind that takes me back to India and the many Thali plates we ate during our stay there. My hubby and I journeyed this amazing country for over 8 months (over 20 yrs ago) on a very tight budget of $5 a day (for all food,…

This content is for members only. Visit the site and log in/register to read.

from Well Nourished https://ift.tt/3d65DYM
via babu31

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup is rich, creamy, savory, and just like a warm hug in a bowl.  Classic fall flavor welcomes in the cooler weather with a perfect blend of spices and ingredients.

Serve it with a side of Parmesan Roasted Vegetables and Homemade Rolls for a perfect Autumn or winter meal.

Creamy, rich, and savory Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

This soup is guaranteed to warm you up from the inside out, with it’s velvety, smooth, rich flavor, it’ll be a family favorite.  The best part is it’s actually quite good for you. Packed with veggies, this tastes so good you’ll forget it’s practically healthy.

Butternut Soup is quick and easy. The most time consuming part is peeling and cutting your squash and veggies. But it’s well worth it and you can always use pre-chopped or shredded ingredients. It’s an awesome make ahead, and freeze for later soup. And it is excellent with any meal.

All you need for Soup Ingredients

  • Butternut Squash: Cube a 3 pound squash, keep the cubes the same size.
  • Celery: I like to chop them pretty finely for easy cooking.
  • Onion: use yellow or white onion chopped finely.
  • Carrots: Shred the carrots or buy pre shredded carrots
  • Granny Smith Apple: Don’t leave out! The tartness from the granny smith adds a subtle, but delightful flavor. You don’t want to substitute it either.
  • Vegetable Stock: Beef and Chicken broth can both be used with great success.
  • Fresh Thyme: I love fresh thyme it adds such a nice sophisticated taste.
  • Pinch of Cinnamon: just a pinch will do, don’t want to over spice it with cinnamon.
  • Salt and Pepper: Add to taste
  • Heavy Cream: This is optional, but adds richness and velveti-ness.

Making Butternut Soup Recipe

Super simple to assemble and has so much flavor!

  1. Cook: In a large pot add in the butternut squash, celery, onion, carrots, apple and vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Let simmer until squash is fork tender. Takes about 20 minutes.
  2. Spice: Add in the thyme, cinnamon, and salt and pepper.
  3. Blend: Use an immersion blender to blend till smooth and creamy. You can also blend in small batches in a blender.  Add more salt and pepper if needed. Then add the cream if desired.

Making rich, creamy savory butternut squash soup.

Butternut Soup Tips and Variations

This a great base soup to add variations and with a few tips it’ll be luscious every time.

  • Roast: To add an extra nutty flavor roast the butternut squash before hand and add it right before you blend the soup.  
  • Chop: Be sure the squash is cut to the same size for even cooking.
  • Pre-Chopped: Peeling and chopping your own butternut squash can be time consuming and tough. Use pre-chopped squash for easiness.
  • Flavor Twist: For a Mexican twist omit the thyme and add a 1 1/2 teaspoon cumin and half a teaspoon chipotle chili powder. Serve with chopped cilantro. For a Thai flavor add a tablespoon of red curry paste and about half a teaspoon of ground ginger.
  • Extras: To add extra texture add some rice, quinoa, or orzo to the soup.

Creamy, rich, and savory Butternut Squash Soup

Toppings For Butternut Squash Soup

Top your soup to add zing and pizazz.

  • Cheese: Butternut squash goes great with cheddar, feta, blue cheese and Monterey jack. Try them all.
  • Nuts: For crunch try toasted pepitas, almond slices or pecans.
  • Bacon: Bacon crumbles are super savory and fun.
  • Croutons: Try homemade croutons for add flavor and crunch.

Storing Soup

  • Fridge: This stores beautifully in the fridge for up to 4 days.
  • Freezer: Butternut squash soup freezes extremely well, freeze in a gallon ziploc bag or container for up to 3 months. When ready to use, thaw slowly in a pot on the stove and then add the cream and toppings as desired.

Creamy, rich, and savory Butternut Squash Soup

More Amazing Creamy Warm soups

Nothing is better on a cold day than a warm creamy bowl of soup.


Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup is rich, creamy, savory, and just like a warm hug in a bowl.  Classic fall flavor welcomes in the cooler weather with a perfect blend of spices and ingredients.
Course Dinner, Soup
Cuisine American
Keyword butternut soup, butternut squash soup
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Servings 6 Bowls
Calories 213kcal
Author Alyssa Rivers


  • 3 pounds butternut squash cubed
  • 2 celery stalks chopped
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 Granny Smith apple chopped
  • 5 cups vegetable stock
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream optional


  • In a large pot add the butternut squash, celery, onion, carrots, apple, and vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Let simmer until squash is fork tender about 20 minutes.
  • Add in thyme, cinnamon, and salt and pepper and using an immersion blender (or blender) blend until smooth and creamy. Use additional salt and pepper if needed. Add heavy cream if desired.


Calories: 213kcal | Carbohydrates: 38g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 27mg | Sodium: 817mg | Potassium: 941mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 12g | Vitamin A: 28413IU | Vitamin C: 52mg | Calcium: 135mg | Iron: 2mg

from The Recipe Critic https://ift.tt/3jvy9p2
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Sabbath Ramblings: A Hiatus, Kinda.

For the past three months, I've been delivering to you, every Sunday, an article primarily focused not on your physical

The post Sabbath Ramblings: A Hiatus, Kinda. appeared first on Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice.

from Ben Greenfield Fitness – Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice https://ift.tt/2GEVHJl
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Pecan Pie Truffles – Keto Recipe

These Keto Pecan Pie Truffles are easy to make and so delicious! They are a perfect no bake sugar-free treat for any time of year. In case you hadn’t noticed, I am a pecan pie fiend. A pecan pie aficionado, a pecan pie fanatic, a pecan pie maniac. I just can’t get enough of that...

from All Day I Dream About Food https://ift.tt/36q8zy2
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5 of the Best Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

heartburnAcid reflux is one of those age-old problems that just doesn’t seem to go away. Most people would agree, with no permanent cure, acidity can only be managed by taking certain steps and doing everything you can to prevent it. Suffering from horrific symptoms like unbearable stomach aches, vomiting, nausea, continuous hiccups, and a deep […]

The post 5 of the Best Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux appeared first on Be Healthy Now.

from Be Healthy Now https://ift.tt/3isn0Ee
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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Creamy Cilantro Lime Slaw

Creamy cilantro lime slaw is the perfect side dish for a simple dinner or the perfect topping for fish tacos! This creamy cilantro lime slaw is made with just a few ingredients and is made without mayo or dairy! Naturally vegan, gluten free, dairy free, paleo, low carb and Whole30 friendly, this slaw is perfect...

Read More

The post Creamy Cilantro Lime Slaw appeared first on Bites of Wellness.

from Bites of Wellness https://ift.tt/3isMm4D
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This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News

Bend Beauty ditches the term anti-aging

Halifax-based oral skincare supplement brand Bend Beauty is changing the way it talks about aging. A pioneer in the growing ingestible beauty game, Bend Beauty made the move this week of phasing out the term “anti-aging” – one of the most powerful and enduring phrases in the beauty realm – from its hero supplement sku. Renamed as Renew + Protect, the much-welcomed refresh takes a positivity-charged stance on the skin’s natural aging process instead of casting it as something that should be fought against. “It’s the same great product (and same formulation) you’ve always loved, re-named to more accurately reflect the efficacy of our products and the positive effects they have on skin health and longevity,” the brand recently stated on its blog. Infused with good-for-you ingredients like fish oil, marigold flower extract and vitamin D3, Renew + Protect ($80) comes in liquid form and mini soft-gel capsules, and works to help reduce UV-induced skin sensitivity as well as improve hydration and elasticity.

Goop Beauty launched a new body butter on Gwyneth Paltrow’s birthday

Actress and Goop founder Gwyneth Paltrow celebrated her 48th birthday on September 27th and to help mark the occasion, her wellness and lifestyle brand dropped its new Nourishing Repair Body Butter ($75). Available on sephora.ca, the luxe body cream, spiked with bacuri butter, caviar lime and mulberry leaf, works to brighten skin’s appearance by boosting cell turnover while also delivering intensive moisture. Sounds like the ideal rich moisturizer for the cooler, drab months ahead if you ask us.

Meet Tom Ford Beauty’s latest spritz, Bitter Peach

Tom Ford Beauty just released a new addition to its private blend fragrances and it’s bursting with a juicy aroma. The fruity-floral opens with top notes of peach and blood orange oil, and at the heart lies a unique cocktail of rum absolute, cognac oil and jasmine. For those who revel in a perfumes’s lingering dry-down, get ready for a blend of vanilla, tonka bean and patchouli. Shop the new Tom Ford Bitter Peach Eau de Parfum ($425) at Holt Renfrew.

And ICMYI, here are some other top beauty headlines from the week:

You can now have your Sephora order delivered in an hour in Canada

We got the lowdown on nailing mask makeup from Peter Philips

Aaron Wallace shared the important story behind his men’s grooming brand

The post This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine https://ift.tt/3l4WDpi
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All The Fashion News You Missed This Week

Kerby Jean-Raymond is named VP of creative direction at Reebok

Kerby Jean-Raymond, founder of Pyer Moss, will lend his perspective to Reebok in his new role as vice president of creative direction. The industry trailblazer and winner of this year’s CFDA award for “American Menswear Designer of the Year” has worked with the brand for the past four years through collaborations with Pyer Moss but fans will begin to see his influence in a more permanent way in products released in 2022. “I am thrilled to be evolving my role at Reebok and joining the leadership team as the head of Creative Direction. I welcome this opportunity to help invigorate the brand with new ideas, while also focusing on instilling a sense of social purpose into our work,” says Jean-Raymond.

Louis Vuitton opens a new Yorkdale store

Photography courtesy of Louis Vuitton

The latest addition to Yorkdale’s line up of luxe retailers is Louis Vuitton. The newly opened boutique has a two-story facade wrapped in LED screens showcasing the brand’s Monogram flower motif, marrying the concept of heritage and modern luxury. Inside the store, which offers the brand’s entire product assortment, a collection of art, furniture and objects sourced locally and from the brand’s archives can also be found. So, too can a giant cherry sculpture by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami which serves as a playful centrepiece in the space. Services in-store include personalization of leather goods and fragrance bottle engraving.

Michael Kors’ new Watch Hunger Stop Campaign features its employees

Photography courtesy of Michael Kors

For the eighth year of Michael Kors’ Watch Hunger Stop campaign, which supports the World Food Programme (WFP), the brand has tapped its employees as the face of its efforts. In past seasons the campaign has featured celebrities like Kate Hudson, Halle Berry and Lupita Nyong’o but this year the brand revised its approach. “Casting and photographing our employees for this campaign was very special. People talked about their pride in working on Watch Hunger Stop over the years, and their eagerness to help those in need,” said Kors. The collection includes a special-edition Watch Hunger Stop 2020 white T-shirt and blue tote, and all profits from the sale of the pieces will be donated to the WFP.

Holt Renfrew collaborates with the Campaign for Wool and Canadian designers

Holt Renfrew and the Campaign for Wool have partnered with Canadian designers Smythe and Line to reimagine and showcase the uses and sustainable properties of wool with a capsule collection that debuted this week. The three coat styles designed by Line and riding blazer created by Smythe use fabric from British heritage mills. “Each piece was thoughtfully created with sustainability and the attributes of wool, at the core of the design process. The capsule collection exemplifies beautifully how this ancient fibre and textile craft can be transformed into great modern classic pieces,” says Alexandra Weston, DVP brand & creative strategy at Holt Renfrew. The collection is currently available at Holt Renfrew.

And ICMYI, here are the other top fashion news stories of the week:

Bottega Veneta launched an exclusive colourway in its iconic Pouch bag as its new Vancouver pop-up 

Toronto’s Soft Focus launched a new collection of WFH staples

Nordstrom announced it will go fur-free from 2021



The post All The Fashion News You Missed This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine https://ift.tt/2GuNyHE
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7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (Oct 5-11)

A free 7-day, flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and updated WW Smart Points.

A free 7-day, flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and updated WW Smart Points.

7-Day Healthy Meal Plan

The temps are getting cooler, the air is getting crisp—fall is here!!! This is one of my favorite seasons!! I love to go apple picking and make homemade apple butter and apple sauce, and who doesn’t love pumpkin!!? Check out my  super easy pumpkin pie dip. Yum!! Also Skinnytaste Meal Prep Cookbook made the NYT Best Sellers list again this week, thank you! If you want to order a signed copy, Barnes and Noble is selling a signed edition!

The post 7 Day Healthy Meal Plan (Oct 5-11) appeared first on Skinnytaste.

from Skinnytaste https://ift.tt/34B2Vqr
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